in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends and lovers,

it's another beautiful night for me to inspire you with my words. You need to grow. You need to learn. And most importantly you need to earn!

However before you achieve anything in life you need to have a sense of direction. Direction will help you kill the distractions. The distractions are like noise they do not produce any desirable beats.

Distractions mislead you and make you feel like you are busy but in essence you are empty. Develop discipline because that is one of the most essential skills unique to excel in this modern era.

Be a boss of your mind. You should be able to talk to yourself and divert your mind towards achieving your goals. Be in charge of your own destiny. Your destination is determined by your determination.

Discipline will make you stand before kings and make hearts turn towards you. Discipline will make you edge over your competitors. Discipline will give you the desired push to reach the epitome of success you desire.

Ever wondered why nike has do it now as their motto!? Well that's because you only live once yolo! What do you do with this life? Are you still hiding under the veil of wishful thinking? Are you ready to be who you are for real?

You have nothing to prove to the world but you have everything to prove to yourself. Show you that you are the king of your destiny. Take over the throne of your mind and rule like you are born to do. Do it now!!!


Be a boss of your mind is to complicate it. It's better to just learn to pay attention to stuff. Since the mind will always take in new data. But if you can learn to have some distance and just observe the mind the better. Then you can use it when you want.

You learn to pay attention to stuff by being disciplined. Listening is one of the hardest things to do especially for an untrained mind. Taking charge is the first step!

Well yes you can say it like that also. But attention also doesn't need to have force put on it. Pay attention can be a quiet calm process. Just like the Indian gurus are showing. Nothing really you have to control. As long as you pay attention you will take the right action needed to move forward.

distractions! only if we are wise to recognize them and even deal with them, especially people, learning to cut some of them off

Yeah! Identify common time eaters. These days the mobile phone seems to be No 1. Imagine the number of people you see on the streets who aren't paying attention to the real world except online. And they do this at the expense of getting a life.

thats totally correct! sometimes i wonder if the pros of the internet or phone, outweighs the cons.

Shut out the noise and bullshit. 100% focus and determination. Preach daddy, preach. (No homo though)

He he! Comic relief is a great thing but not if that's what we distract ourselves with 24/7. The only jokes will be on us! (Well except for full-time comedians!)

True. I like to enclave my seriousness with a cloud of satire and humour because finally, "life no be a serious something, still no be a play something". Find the right balance and lead a happy life(I'm not going to define happiness because...)

Feed your focus & starve your distractions

A lot of people are muli-talented and thus find it difficult to find a niche. They are to busy with doing this and that forgetting that success doesn't come from doing a lot of things.
Success comes from been focused on a particular thing, giving it all your strength and focus.

Thanks for inspiring @nairadaddy.

Inspiring, educating and very motivating. I'm grateful for this @nairadaddy. Have a good night rest.

This is truly inspiring