Tonight, i stayed out for long in the balcony, up till the twilight, looking towards the sky and appreciating the beauty of the moon and stars, later on i began thinking about the life of the people around me and all over the world and i thought about how sad and heartbreaking it is to see so many people out there whom have lost faith in happiness or success,so many end up believing they don't deserve to be happy, they don't deserve to be successful, they don't deserve the best of life, most end up living below their means, settle for mediocrity, most even end up creating philosophies and belief system to justify their situations or to make themselves feel better.
And i asked myself WHY??? Why do people do this to themselves?
A long time ago in my teenage hood i listened to a clip by my favorite speaker and also my mentor Lt. Les Brown and in his speech he made reference to a line of an old poem which states:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
And ever since i heard that line, i keep asking myself what more can i be, what more can i do, what potentials are there in me that i'm yet to discover, this simple line has kept me going all my life and in all things i find myself doing, i have come to the conclusion that whatever my mind can conceive and believe then it can achieve.
Tonight, am going to ask you a simple question,before i go to bed. What is stopping YOU???
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I recall a story sometime ago from a speech by Tony Robbins, about a youngman , who wanted so bad to be successful, he went to a guru and told the guru he wanted to be on the same level as the guru and the guru said if you want to be on the same level i am, i'll meet you tomorrow at the beach,so the next day as early as 4:00 AM the young man was up with his short and canvas ready to rock n roll, so he went straight to the beach and met the guru and the guru asked him how bad do you want to be successful and he said really bad and the guru told him to walk straight into the water and the guy was like this man must be sick, however he did and after getting into the water the guru told him to go further, and then back a little and again, now, the youngman was already getting furious and angry img src
and he said he aint going back in, and the guru asked him, i thought you said you wanted to be successful and the young said yes but i didn't come here to learn how to swim and he thought to himself this guru must be some crazy old rich dude, so the guru told him to go back in and this time the guru held the young mans head inside the water until the young man was about to pass out, and finally, he let him out.
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And he said to the young man, when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful.
when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful.
Most of us are not hungry for success, most people don't want success as much as they want sleep, as much as they want to eat as much as they love pizza(lol, i'm a big fan though, hahahaha) . Sometimes i stay up all night trading and charting and writing articles and reading, researching, that i forget to eat or sleep and when i check the time its morning already, and then i'm like, Oh My GOD!!! i've got to rest.
Don't sleep rest until you feel a purpose has been achieved, don't sleep until you get an opportunity to make your dreams become a reality, until you have accomplish that which you so crave and aspire for. The key is simple, when you are as hungry to be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful. and i believe this so much that it has reshapen my view of life and the way i do things
I took sometime out some months ago and did a survey in the neighborhood, and i asked most people i met, a simple question, Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be rich? and guess what they all said YES, not a single soul said NO.
But Do they all end up Successful?? Do they all end up Rich?? What happens along the path in their life journey??
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But i thought they all wanted it, i thought they all wished for it, so why don't they get it?
The answer is NO not all will achieve success not because they didn't want to but because words shows up in communication and expectations shows up in behavior. They all want to be at least they said so, actually nobody wants to be poor, no one wants to be a failure but only 10% will eventually work towards it, do all they can to achieve it and wont stop till they get it, the remaining 90% will only end up with the mere desire.
You've got to be obsessed with success, you've got to get mad at yourself, you've got to believe that you are a human and your life has got value, you've got to think outside the box, its impossible to get above the average when you are too normal, too well behaved and don't want to break the rules, don' want to take risks.
Think to yourself, whats the point of being in this world if you want to end up like everyone else. It doesn't matter the challenges you find yourself or the difficulty and complexity the problem may be, what matters is your attitude towards it and your determination to succeed.
Rocky Balboa in the movie acted by Sylvester Stallone said and i quote:
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!... until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life.
Believe in Yourself, never forget whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve and always remember we more powerful than we can ever imagine.
Never Give Up
Never Loose Faith
Keep trying and keep pushing.
And believe me>> You will SUCCEED.
Thank you for reading
Best Regards
Nicholas Ilechie
Love the pep talk, not everyone is capable of being in the top ten percent and sometimes bad luck gets in the way but despite all the negatives, we should strive to keep a positive outlook. Try your best and distract yourself from focusing on the negatives, preach on!
exactly mate i do not entirely believe that there's such a thing as bad luck(i choose not to believe it)i strongly believe that we are the makers of our own luck even if it turns out good or bad, one way or the other its as a result of the _ thoughts and decisions_ made, either consciously or subconsciously.
However i love the line you emphasize on:
Thats the key; focus on productivity instead of setbacks focus more on your success that you only see failure or "bad luck" or misfurtunes as a stepping stone to take you futher and not to bring you down.
Cheers mate and thanks for stopping by, please do follow and resteem if you fine this article helpful it just might be to your followers as well.
I needed this. Thank you so much for this, i feel motivated again
cheers mate, glad it got you stirred up
God bless you @nicolasilechie for this wonderful work... Really inspiring. Thanks
thank you mate, glad you found it helpful, you may follow me if you find my blog helpful and please do resteem it just might be an help for someone in your followers list.
We as humans strive to be understood. I like this article because it hit the nail straight on the head without the writer throwing in "pre-determined" and self-fulfilling prophecies of success. This is really good advice and i'll be sure to keep it with me where-ever i go
cheers mate and believe me that with this in mind success is inevitable.
Wish you the best of life, dont forget to follow to get more updates from me or resteem if you think this was helpful to you, it just might be helpful as well to your followers as well.
really appreciate your work keeep it up!
cheers wish you the best and thanks for stopping by to read
Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with us. Sometimes things need to be said in order to make it happen. Such contribution is so motivating for our community.
I think all the time, even God himself had to speak for the things to come to live and the bible also states
Words are powerful tool for success and faith.
Thanks @xhevat for stopping by and contributing to this article, its very much appreciated, hope to see you some other time again
Everything starts with words, and must end up with words. Even wars are announced by words and combinations of words. There is a saying that if the words (the language) is used properly there would be no wars, only peace.
very true sir and well spoken.
Really encouraging. Thanks Mate!
you welcome mate, nice combo, "wordswithhoney". Looking forward to reading your articles soon.
Do follow and resteem your followers may also find it encouraging and motivating
I love this post. It awakens my energy to crave for success. I agree, we need to aim success badly as much as we want to breathe.
And thats just what we need....
Thanks for stopping by and contributing, am glad it did woke up the giant within you.
do follow and resteem your audience may find it helpful and motivating as well.
Cheers and see you at the top.
I also love pizza. 🍕😍
It's a nicely written piece and a very very motivating blog keep posting things like this.
hhhahahaha. a big time lover i see.
Thanks for stopping by and reading
hope to see you some other time
@nicholasilechie very good content .amazing one,some unique..
thanks mate, glad you found it worth reading, thanks for stopping by
Very inspirational post thank you for this!
Do follow and resteem if you find this helpful, your followers may find it interesting as wellyou welcome @saviib and thanks for reading its very much appreciated.
Good advice
Nice post
Good luck
cheers mate, thanks for stopping by
do follow and resteem if you find it helpful
Very nice sir
thanks sir
I like this article.
I will resteem.
Thank you.
thanks alot i really do appreciate.
nice article my friend.good job continous.
you welcome mate, and thanks for stopping by