Most people confuse being famous to being relevant. You can be famous and be less impactful but once you are impactful, you will be famous. We tend to twist it the other way round. Being famous will only make your impact stronger if you let it. Being famous is a platform to target more people, to cover more grounds, to reach out to more, to help more but sadly many people plateau there in just being famous.
Many are contented with being famous and they are not leveraging on that platform to stand for something and make impacts.
Frank Edwards' story touched me. I practically cried when i watched his mini documentary. He was focused on making impact through music and the first gig he was called for, to be paid in amount he has never received before, they asked him to reach every audience but not use "Jesus" in His songs because that way, everyone would want to listen to him. He knew He was all about impact and the power his music could bring only through Jesus, he disagreed with them, and now, the rest is history.
If he had caved in, he would have been known but the impact he garnered through his music and the life changing experience people encountered through his music would have been limited. Think relevance. Think impact, because you have lost the plot the moment you start confusing being famous to being relevant.
Stay relevant, that is the only way to grow. Be the person people need because you don't want to be on the other side of needing people and being turned down or disappointed. Leverage on the people in your circle of influence and positively impact them.
Think relevance, think impact, it lasts.
'Staying relevant' is the word. Nice write up bro
Thanks brother. Really appreciate this.
Nice one sir, seen it here
Thank you so much bro. Really appreciate you.
Thanks dear
This is very very interesting to read! Looking forward to your next post
This delights my heart. Thanks a lot. Duly appreciated.
Impactful post..welldone @olawalium
Yaaaaay! Thanks a lot. You found me here. Hahahaha. Thanks. Hahaha thought you were saying there you are not a lady? 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Following you already.
Lool..following you too
This is awesome, keep it up
Thank you. Really appreciate your time.