The way you think in your heart is the way you are, this are the words of a great man which implies that we might have a power within us but it doesn't come into actualization until it is realized and activated.
We need to start acting on the activation of the power from within instead of feeling like a failure all the time.
Sometimes, victors usually live like victims because they have refused to harness the power of greatness from within.
There comes the power of self believe because what you believe in will determine to a great extent how you will behave.
If you believe today that you are poor, you ultimately become a poor person and if you think everyday that you are a wealthy person, greatness and wealth automatically comes your way.
The basic thing that triggers change in a man's life is not the presence of money but the change of mindset.
Some people like to live as victims of their past because they wouldn't just let go.
If you will have a changed life then let the change start from within. Some of us have a constant habit of always blaming people for our predicament, but one truth we have failed to realize about life is that whoever we constantly blame for our predicament is the one we have made to have power over you.
The moment you start blaming people for your predicament, you automatically becomes a failure.
The most important things that affect a man's life are things that no body else can do for them.
The mentality of slavery always brings about poverty.
Your self esteem is the way you see and feel about yourself.
When you have a mentality that is poor,you remain really poor and you even beg from people, that is a great level of inferiority.
Take great steps to turn your dreams into actions and press hard to turn it into a reality.
Whenever you fail,do not be scared to get back up. Get back up on your feet and become a better person.
Set a new standard for yourself and start living a better life.
I certainly cannot agree more because I have been a worthy case study for this
thanks brother
Wow 😊