We get exceited about many things in life,exceited about the new year,exceited about our first day on the job,exceited about this new responsibility given to us,exceited about our first day on campus,exceited about this girl we just met,exceited about our first post on steemit;but how long does the exceitment last? What happens when you are no longer feeling it like you used to? What do you do when the exceitment is gone?
My mentor would say 'commitment' is what makes you continue when the exceitment is over'.
Staying power is a proof of love. Sad to say not many have staying power.
This staying power is what I call COMMITMENT.
Would you continue on your decisions for the year when it's June? Would you continue to strive for excellence on the job even when you feel like getting a break? Would you continue loving her,even when its not 'doing' you anymore?
Would you continue steeming if the excitement ever goes out? ('If' because I'm not sure that would ever happen) if you would be successful at these things,then you should
Among the many things you want to add to your life this new year,add some commitment.
Give in more time to achieving your goals this year,pay attention to them.Put in more time to your studies,even though you are no longer 'feeling' school;put in some more in that relationship.** Don't let your feelings deceive you,it would turn out just alright,if you put in just a little more COMMITMENT.
Thank you all.I love you guys.
Pls read and upvote.Thanks