in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Life is not fair they say
Life is not nice they proclaim
Life is not this
Life is not that
We forget that life is what we call it
Life is who we are
Life is how we live
And life is all that we represent


If life is hard already
Why put yourself in a position of hardship
Why not change the course of events
Why not try out something different
Why not make that call
Why not propose that project
Why not push for a compensation even when it doesn't look like it will come
Why not speak out even if the atmosphere doesn't look like it's gonna accommodate such.

We most times place ourselves in places we don't belong
Thinking about what people think about us or the things we hope to achieve deters our moral towards achieving great things.

We fall, we fail, we lose, we goof
But the worse defeat is allowing that potential die on your inside

Opportunity comes but once they say
Opportunity is what I create I reply
Make a decision today to push, pull, move, draw, carry, do whatever it takes to gain advantage in this competitive life we are in.
If you wait till the competition becomes less fierce, eternity is the last bus stop.

Determine to climb the mountains and scale the hills. Keep moving, keep pushing, keep dreaming

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To make it, you need skills
Get it

To win, you need strategy
Draw it

To swim, you need kits
Buy it

Do all you can to be best positioned for life's favour when it eventually decides to smile on you.

Stay positive, stay fighting, stay winning.

Never, Never, Never
Put yourself in a disadvantaged position.


Conlusion try everyday your fucking best!

Yes.... Trying your best everyday pays eventually.