I like to run. Sounds weird? Seriously, running is one of the best form of exercise for me.
Sometimes I don't feel like running, but I just get out of bed, put on my trainers, drink some water, go out and start to walk.
Then, without realizing, I find myself running.
When I'm done, I feel just amazing.
I take that approach when I want to do things that I don't feel like doing. I just get started slowly, little steps by little steps, and suddenly I find myself doing the stuff.
If you wait to be ready or motivated to do something, you'll never achieve anything.
A real man or woman will always act even when he/she doesn't "feel" like it.
That's the difference between great achievers and mediocres.
It's absolutely OK to not be motivated, scared, or reluctant to do something. But if in your heart, you know that you must do it, then just take that first baby step and you'll be amazed at your progress.
If you don't feel like running, then simply walk.
If you don't feel like sitting down to read that eBook on your device, then at least download a mobile App to do the voice reading for you...
If you don't feel like quitting a job you hate, then at least start a small home business.
You can always take some kind of action that helps you move forward in life. Always.

So true, I just know this from experience.... Nice one rosie
thanks hun. thought i was the only person with prefix "pretty-" in username, surprised to meet another. I am happy to make acquaintance with you. hope to hear from you more often.
Your blog has a nice relaxed, organic feel to it. Wonderful:) Wish there was a follow twice button :)
Thanks boss. follow twice button? lolz. maybe that would be my first utopian-io post.