[How-To Series # 6] 3 Tips to find your desired job much quicker!

in #motivation7 years ago

Finding your desired job is not trivial. It may be easy for some people who have past experience but for fresh people, it's very tough to find the right job. Some jobs might offer them the low salary package and fewer benefits while another job might demand him to spend all day on the work and even ask to work on weekends. That's at-least common in Pakistan.

My friends who just did graduation from the highly reputable university are searching for their desired job for months and they are yet to be appointed anywhere. Currently, their last bet seems to work for the companies that offer low salary packages OR work in the company where they'll hardly get the holidays.

In the past, I've shared some tips to some friend that worked pretty well for them and today, I decided to write on this subject to potentially help other friends who are struggling to find their desired jobs. For fresh people, it is difficult not to compromise on something. Trust me, you'll have to compromise on the salary in the beginning, but as you grow in experience, you'll make much more than before.

I'll keep my post short and sweet because I want to waste neither yours nor my time. So, without any further delay, let me share my top 3 tips that can help you to find your desired job very easily.

Tip # 1 - Network of Friends:

Friends network
Image Credits: WikiNut

It is a deciding factor for how many opportunities you are getting informed of. In order to know about more job opportunities, you must have a wide network of friends. I am not referring to online Facebook friends or any other type of social media. I am specifically referring to offline friends with whom you could stay in contact physically.

It might be difficult to grow the network of friends initially but as you make at least 10 friends, then target the friends of your friends and build your network of friends that way. Trust me, it is much easier to do. I have countless offline friends though I don't have much time to meet with everyone, I still manage to talk often with them.

When your friend's network is bigger, there are high chances that you'll start to get some job offers from them because maybe their family members are the CEO of the big companies and your friend talk with their families about you and request for the job for you? All of this is possible. Even if that doesn't happen, you'll be informed of all the new opportunities and will be able to apply for them much faster than before, which should help you in finding your desired job very quickly.

Tip # 2 - Online Job-Hunting Sites:

job hunting
Image Source: IslandExhibitLink

In the developed countries such as the United States of America, it is very common that big companies run their career offers on the job-hunting sites, and if you're not checking the big sites for job hunting such as Monster and CareerBuilder, then I believe that you're missing a lot.

Come on, man. You must not be that poor that you couldn't even access the internet. After all, you're reading my article because you have an internet connection, right? It is not for watching pornography and destroying your future life, it is something precious that you're unable to realize yet. Actually, sites like Steemit exist on the internet that can really help you with a lot of things.

I would suggest you search for the jobs on Monster and CareerBuilder since those sites are the best. Almost all countries have their local sites for such job offers. So, if you're not from the USA and let's assume that you're from Pakistan like me, then your best bet is Rozee and Mustakbil.

Tip # 3 - Eye-Contact With Potential Employers:

Eye contact
Image Credits: TheNextScoop

Well, I won't believe if you say that you're not coming through any suitable opportunity and no one called you for an interview. I would be very much surprised to hear that because even in the countries like Pakistan which is underdeveloped country, almost every unemployed person went for the interview for as low as 1 time. Even though they had the great qualifications, they didn't get accepted for the job.

But I believe that it's the mistake of the potential employee and he deserved exactly the same thing. Though there are exceptions, I understand that the world is unjust and too many things happen every day. But honestly speaking, the majority of those who attend the interview are ignorant or stupid because they don't do proper eye-contact with the potential employer.

They look here and there but not to their eyes. Well, I am not saying that you should stare them all the time during the interview, that's sound awkward. I am just saying that when the potential employer talks to you, you should look gently in his/her eyes and give answers with confidence (but respectfully). You should explain to them why you can be a good candidate for them and how creative you are. Some people go to the interview and give very short answers like one-liner and the potential employer reject them on the spot. You know what I'm saying, right? yeah!

The above-mentioned tips cannot guarantee you the job that you desire but at-least it should be helpful in something. As I said before, you might need to compromise on the salary benefits if you do not have past experience. Therefore, don't lose hope and believe that whatever you work today is an investment for future. Your present doesn't matter more than your future. But your present should be better than the past and your future must be better than the present.


It's very true. You gave some great tips. Specially the last one and well, it is one of the quality that the interviewee must have.

ALL I WANT IS AUTOMATED PASSIVE RESIDUAL INCOME! About 7 streams! sending you love & light!