The Power of Our Souls and Thoughts

in #motivation7 years ago

Howdy All Joren Rivers from the M.O.O.D Squad ready to report my findings on life music art and fashion. 

But also the spiritual.  Which is our focus today. 

Why the spiritual? Well because all is spirit and spirit is the all of all things.

That might be a little vague for some. But I'll be sure to clarify. When I say all I am referring to energy all is energy meaning that spirt is also energy or momentum as some call it. 

Energy is the bases for all things the  soul could be looked at as power outlet. Spirt or source which is another name being the energy and your body being say a Toaster? 

Now as a toaster you don't have the energy to do a thing unless your plugged in.

So your body being the toaster and the outlet being spirit or source as I like to call it. 

Source gives you all the energy you need in order to make toast or pop tarts


No! We don't Mr. Biggums!

Well back to making toast. So the toast you create is of your own choice . So if you want to create pop tarts which is Mr. Biggums favorite you just need to put pop tarts it into your toaster. This is an analogy of the mind you create what you put in. Toast goes in then pops out when its ready. Similar to the conception of a child. Our thoughts are the same.

Now why is this crazy blogger going back and forth with his ideologies? To take you all on a journey of understanding. The truth is we are always manifesting everything we currently want whether we believe it or not. Your reality is based on the thoughts you currently hold true. Thoughts are consistently flowing. Like a river flows into the ocean or a lake. The momentum of your thoughts creates real occurrences which manifests in your current reality as truth through the medium of your beliefs. So people what do you believe? Not about me or your neighbor but about yourself and you environment mainly. Cause as humans we consistently perserve our positions in life. Though our solidified thinking. Change ya thoughts ya'll and you'll be everywhere and anywhere you want to go and you'll also be able to be who you wanna be as quoted by NAS Himself.

So right now I am learning through my own experiences. That negative thoughts and emotions are just there because of our focus. And once that focus is misplaced you can't make pizza 

Especially if your focused on making pizza with a sushi recipe. 

I'm sure you all see where I'm going with this. Like attracts like everyone I'm sure you've all heard that saying. What you are like you attract but in this case. What you think about most of the time you attract. 

How do we change such thoughts? The thoughts that we stole as people from other people?

Step 1 - Identify what it is you want.

Step 2 - Find an example of someone in this world who has already accomplished somewhat of what you want to do.

Step 3 - Write down how it would feel if you were to accomplish your goal. And stay in that feeling place 

Now those three steps are simple how would you feel if you had X, Y or, Z? Feel it! This is the quickest and most efficient way to manifest. Act as if you have it already which works only because once you start to pretend long enough. You get a wiff of the feeling. And you can only manifest in the present. The past and the future don't exist but once you think about the past it becomes your now and once you think about a future that isn't here well you know it becomes your present. So in actuality your not pretending your currently creating what you want to manifest by feeling that it's already here and it is to the standards of your sub conscious mind and the universe. 

As the late Malcom X once said 

Thank you Mr. X 

Prepare Today for today not tomorrow for tomorrow. 

So every time an unwanted thought appears sway it into the direction you want by feeling the opposite. Another method is telling a story about what is happening to you currently. Meaning in your head envision your wealth and happiness and replay your day as if you were living your dream. How do you think actors get so into character? They whole heartedly believe that they are indeed the character they are playing and that's what we have to do. Be the best investor, musician, actor, janitor, lover, fighter, billionaire Play boy or Girl , Now!!!!! Not Tomorrow But Now. 

And of course you will have your struggles. But struggles are experiences that help you to learn what you do want and what you don't want. So bear with yourself without judgement you are what you think about most of the time so think rich wealthy healthy thoughts.

The next post or so I'll be talking about mediation and motivational but artistic posters i'll be selling stay tuned  

Joren Rivers of M.O.O.D Peacing out once again

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