Work overwhelms us, daily routine wears us out, and having more energy is a frustrating dream that we can not achieve.
Greetings dear steemitnauts. Today I bring some simple and practical strategies to increase our energy without faltering in the attempt.
#Strategies to achieve greater energy.
Hot water and lemon.
A good digestion favors the achievement of a lot of energy, cold foods, meats, fats and processed foods slow down the digestive process and generate a heaviness in the digestive system and the whole body, consume hot water with lemon juice fasting, helps to decongest the intestines and the stomach and thus cleanse the body and generate a lot of energy.
When you meditate you lower the ignition switch to your brain, and you go to a state of calm, even without being asleep. This relaxes the senses and free of streess to your body, giving you the opportunity to restart with more strength. It is advisable to do it at the beginning and end of the day, with very brief periods up to periods of 45 minutes per meditation session.
Breathing exercises.
Walking, talking, moving, seeing, hearing, beating are processes that we execute automatically and of which we do not become conscious. The same thing happens with our breathing, we are not aware of what we do, and we do not do them well, so we do not enter our body enough oxygen that we need and we do not release all the carbon dioxide that we owe and that causes us tiredness . A deep breath will generate more energy, since we will provide our body with all the necessary oxygen to perform its functions correctly.
Deep sleep
It is possible that we stopped sleeping tired. If we did not sleep, our energy would be completely exhausted, so we should try to get a good sleep. The best hours of sleep are the first hours of the night. A dream task should be eight hours although some may require a little more or a little less. Not going to bed with a full stomach will help improve it. Sleeping with lights, makes the body feel that it is daytime and delays the production of melatonin which is the hormone that regulates sleep.
Take a nap
A small break in the middle of the day, or after the meal will provide us with the energy recovery necessary to complete the day. It should not be a substitute for sleep, recommend 20 to 40 minutes maximum, this technique will divide your day in two and so in addition to the increase in energy that rest will provide you will feel that you have more time to do things.
In other post we will name other methods and strategies to increase our energy and we will detail each one.
Excellent article and you have really mentioned very good points and I totally agree with you and to add further I would say to have organic food in our day to day life.
For the other post. Thank you.
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