I have said and keep saying it that you cannot have a great future by chance, but by the choice of your actions, decisions, and inputs in life. Of course, the output you get out of life is direct function of the input that you have put into the same. The direction that your life has taken is fundamentally a function of the choices you have made in life. It is true that you may not be able to determine or control your circumstances, but there is something that is within your control - your response to them. Just to let you know; it is not your circumstances that determine your future, but how you have responded to them.
In order to take ownership of your future, you need to first realigned your mind from negativity to positivity. This realignment also means that you will focus less on blaming external factors for what has happened, and focus more on how to create solutions from it. No matter how you try, you cannot stop challenges from coming, what you can do is to shift your mind to focus on how to create solutions for them. Anything that you want to achieve will begin from the mind. If you have taken ownership of your mind positively, then you can take ownership of your future. Always have in mind that you are absolutely responsible, not someone else, for the outcome of your life. If you do not take a stand to be intentional about your life, then you cannot create a great future.
There are things in life that does not happen by sheer luck or by chance. For example, if you want success, then you need to put in the requirements of success and make the necessary sacrifices. When you understand that you are responsible for many things about what happens to you - like your happiness, growth, success, achievements, etc, then you will make the right choices in life. There is no doubt that people may provide you with some assistance and may even point you to the right direction, but the major work that needs to be done should be done by you and you need to take responsibility for it.
It is worthy to note that you have only one life to live, so do not live as if you have a spare life somewhere. You have to make each moment and every action to count. You may not have a second change to undo or redo what you have done, so let the first one count. In order to take control of your life, there are things that you need to observe and do. Firstly, as it relates to you, you need to be disciplined in your actions, thought and choices. That something looks logical does not mean that it is required for you to do it. You need to know what is right, then do it at the right time. When you have developed self-discipline, then you would have taken ownership of yourself and your actions, which will make you to take ownership of your future.
Another thing to be cautious about is the friends and company you keep. As much as friendship is necessary, it is not a mandate to be friends with everyone. In fact, your friendship of today may have effects on your future in ways that you cannot even imagine. Your company of today will influence and determine what will accompany your future. If the people you are hanging out with does not have anything good to show for in their life, then you need to change your circle. If you are the only successful person among your circle, then you are in the wrong circle because very soon, then may corrupt your mentality and you will begin to think like them and you may stand the risk of losing your success. Your friendship should be a plus to you, not dragging you back. If your friends are not positive additions to you, then you do not have any reason staying with them.
Assuming the ownership of your future also demands you to be accountable. You have to take full responsibility for your actions whether their results are positive or negative. Do not give excuses for the result of your actions nor trade blames for them, but you have to welcome them. It is by taking responsibility for your actions and being accountable for them that you will get better, thus securing a better future for yourself.
Thanks for reading
Thanks friend @amiegeoffrey
Focusing our minds in creating solution's is going to make us have the solution we want, it's all in the mind, once the energy we create within are resourceful, that is how we will create a great output.
You are right bro, nothing is by chance, but by our input.