In this era, a lot of things have risen to create chaos and have disrupted the peaceful coexistence among people. When you take a look at what has lead to conflict and other ills, you will agree with me that, on a larger scales, it is caused by disagreement and lack of peace. If you consider the effect of unrest, you will understand the need for peace. Of course, when there is peace, there will also be harmony and many other good things will be experienced. Here, we shall take a look at various ways by which one can effectively live peaceably with others in order to make for harmonious coexistence.
The first and very potent way to live peacefully with others is to find peace within your own self. The truth is that if you cannot be at peace with yourself, then living with peace with others will become an impossible task. It is true that in the time past, you may have done things which you are not proud of and may have even made some errors. But learn to let go. Among what to find peace in yourself include your past, your nature, your background, the choices you have made, etc. The peace you give to others is from the abundance of what you have already found within yourself.
The next way to live in peace with people is to understand their differences. As the faces of people are different, so also are their personalities and as such, they will be dissimilar from you in very many ways. You do not expect everyone to act or conform to your desired way of life, this is because they have their own different personalities. However, your own duty is to learn to accept them for who they are. You do not have any business trying to recreate them to who you want them to be, just understand their differences and then live with them in peace. You will be surprised how unity can be facilitated even in the presence of diversity, but it also starts with recognizing that you are different from others and from the rest of the world. Instead of fighting that, welcome it and see it as a necessary feature for completion and not for competition.
In addition to acknowledging people's differences, also try to show them empathy. Understand that the entirety of the world does not start and end around you. Learn to see and welcome things from the perceptions of others - feel what they do, see what they can, and then understand their own point of view. Every human has their own hustle, so do not superimpose your own on their own, show them that you care about how they feel and that you also respect their opinions. Sometimes, you may just need to walk a couple of kilometres in their shoes to understand their view about life. When people know that you are empathetic towards them, it will foster peace and harmony.
While acknowledging people's differences, also learn to forgive their trespasses because you are also not without your own trespasses. Holding on unnecessarily to grudges and to offence will build anger and may even prompt revenge, which the end-result will definitely be chaotic. When you forgive someone, it is not because you do not know what to do to them nor because you have approved the offence, but simply because you want peace to reign. Forgiveness may not be easy and may even be challenging sometimes, especially when you are offended by the person you did not expect, but it is worth it because of peace.
The last way to follow peace that we will look at here is to practise humility. Most times, some disagreements and conflicts result from ego and pride. But when you are humble, you will become teachable and then you will also know that the world is not centred only around you. You do not have to hustle to be right at all times or argue over everything - this is a manifestation of pride, rather focus more on being kind. By being humble, you tend to recognise your errors and your faults when you have erred or when you go wrong, and then make amends, instead of trying to prove yourself right or give excuses for the error. Remember that you are not perfect, no one is, so acknowledge your imperfections with humility and then become a better human.
Thanks for reading