The Fine Art Of Resilience And Not Giving Up

in #motivationyesterday

Everyone who loves the game of basketball may probably have heard about the legend Michael Jordan. A few days back, I was reading about his biography and I was wowed by his level of resilience. When he was in college, he was left out from the basketball team that was going to represent the school for the year because they did not think he would make a difference. He felt bad, but instead of giving up, he persisted, worked extremely hard to improve his skills and by the next year, he got a spot in the team. He showed his talent and that was when he got noticed and that was how he worked himself up to stardom. If he had given up, he would not have achieved the so much he had achieved in basketball. This goes to prove that persistence is a very vital requirement to achieve success.


Image from Pexels

It is true that life may be full of challenges and toughness, but you have to understand that what separates successful people from others is their spirit of resilience - that is, there perseverance. Things may be going in an opposite direction to the way you had planned and you may even feel like to give up at some point, but you have to know that giving up will never be the right option. The point you feel like giving up is the point that you need to put in extreme efforts, determination, zeal, and backed up with resilience, in order to break limits. You will be surprised that if you will not give up, what is challenging you will give up instead.

Many people do not understand that the point of the greatest resistance to your efforts may just be at the edge of your breakthrough. If you give up at that moment, all the efforts you have put in may become futile and you will still not achieve your dream. This is why the only option that is left is for you to keep moving forward. No one can promise you a life that is completely void of challenges, however they can only motivate you to apply resilience and never give up. The question of being met with challenges is very certain, but you have a choice of keep going or throwing in the towel. You cannot quit and win at the same time. As a matter of fact, when you have conditioned your mind to quit at the slightest challenge, then you are not ready to win. But when you have made up your mind to win at all cost, then quitting ceases to be an option.

Why it looks like some people give up easily may be because of fear - fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of not getting it right, fear of what people will say, etc. When you consider all these fears and put them to heart, your advancements may be hampered. When you want to make a move in life, fears may want to present you with some scenarios which may not look real, just to keep you from taking the step. Do not give in to fear, rather take the step. You will be surprised how you will succeed at the same step that you have been scared to take. More so, fears are mostly not real until you have entertained them.


Image from Pexels

Success is almost impossible without the power of resilience. This is because what you need may not come at the first attempt, and you may witness some resistance and challenges on your way, so you need to be resilient. Throughout history, there are many recorded people who were resilient and carried the spirit of "never quitting," and they eventually made some mind-blowing feats. Take the case of the scientist Thomas Edison. It was recorded that in the course of his invention, he tried so many times without obvious success, but it did not make him to give up. At the end, his invention was achieved.

There are some ways to develop the spirit of resilience and "never giving up," and we shall look briefly at them. The first one is to see failure as a process of learning and not as an obstacle. Then you also need to stay positive and view things from the positive side of life. Things may not work out as you want, but there are obvious positives things that you can focus on. You also need to be adaptable and flexible at all times. Resilience also needs flexibility. It does not stop at just trying, but how you try also matters. You have to be flexible to try with different approach in order to get a different result.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Thanks friend @jishan5