Every star that is made in life has some "scars" to show for it. The journey to destiny is not always smooth and it may be full of challenges, but it is worth going. Nothing of value is without obvious prices to be paid. In fact, it is the value that you attach to a thing that will make you to undertake that particular thing with enough zeal and enthusiasm. The truth is that the journey may not be smoother, you only need to be tougher than your challenges and keep moving. When you hit your target, you will look back and appreciate the works that you have put in place.

As a bodybuilder for example, if you want to develop your muscles and increase the mass, you will have to go through the rigors of bodybuilding exercises. These exercises and workouts may be very brutal and hard, but they are part of the requirements to achieving the kind of body that you want. You do not achieve that kind of body by just wishing for it, you have to put in extensive work. There are times that you may not even feel like gyming, but when you remember the goal, you will pick yourself up and do the needful. This also applies in life.
When you have what to achieve and a set goal, you will have what is providing you with a driving force to take actions. You will begin to take steps towards achieving it. The steps may not be easy and in the course of them, you may even have some failed attempts, but the setback will only lead to a more powerful comeback. If you want life to provide you with an easy route to success, you may wait for so long, so you just have to go through the seemingly difficult road because it may just be there that your glory lies. When the journey seems a bit tougher, do not give up but increase your input because you might just be at the edge of breakthrough.
During the night season, when every point seems too dark, then just know that you are at the edge of dawn. When you are committed to achieving your goals, challenges on the way should not discourage you, rather you should keep your focus on the goals. If a sailor meets the storm on the high sea, he does not turn back, rather he directs his sail and uses the storm to his advantage. In life, the challenges that come to you should motivate you to take actions the more, because the heavier the challenge, the more you are drawing near to your dreams.
Each time it seems like you are facing tough or hard times, it is not a call for you to quit, rather it is a call to intensify your actions. Challenges are not to sway you off your feet, neither is it a call to quit, but a call to be tougher than your problems and to persist. With persistence and perseverance, you will achieve what you have put your mind to. One of the things I have understood when it comes to the challenges of life is that, for the fact that the challenges come to you is an indication that you can handle it. Do not allow the toughness of the road to influence the journey negatively, but let your positive actions find expression even in the midst of negativities.

When the journey seems tough, it is only the tougher people that will keep going. So build up your capacity and yourself in order not to crank under pressure. If you must win by your actions, then you must remove the mentality of quitting from you, and carry the achievers' mentality at all times - the mentality of winning even against all odds. Remember that it is not the toughness of the journey this can prevent you from arriving at your destination but not being tough in your mind. When the journey gets tough, then you need to toughen up to keep going. You cannot avoid your semester exam because it looks difficult and hope to graduate, but you only need to prepare for it and build capacity to handle it. In the same way in life, for success to come, then you must be prepared to make sacrifices - of times, energy, resources and risks.
Thanks for reading
Try, try, and try again. I have been. Can only hope the persistence pays off. Nice post man.
That's right; keep trying until you hit the target.
Thanks buddy
Thanks friend @amiegeoffrey
You're welcome