Random Observation/Comment #487: Everyone needs a pick-me-up every now-and-again.
Motivation comes from purpose and I believe purpose is something we fabricate from feeling loved, needed, attention, recognition, or just simple delusion. The key is to feed all of those things without being smart enough to see past it.Sounds depressing, but life is good in so many 100 other ways. Just experiencing our senses is so much better than not. Love of life surpasses love of everything else. Sharing that love of life with someone that gets it is just that extra level above. I think we really look for others that just ‘get it’ and ‘get us’… Get it?What do I do when I’m depressed besides stop being depressed and being awesome instead?
- Think about my true impact from my actions (no matter how small)
- Be a good person in general
- Write and reflect on random thoughts that weigh me down
- Recognize your sphere of influence
- Speak to inspiring people
- Watch other people do awesome things
- Share my unique thoughts and ideas
- Help others with their problems so I can distract myself from any of my own
- Mentor others about things I know
- Take photos of cool things to remember them better
- Talk to people who know how to make me feel better
- Take a vacation and unwind
- Ask my parents about old stories
- Listen to really inspiring music
- Watch one of my favorite movies with someone
- Cook and let someone else do dishes
- Learn the word for love in another language
- Catch up with someone you lost contact with
- Look through old photos
- Volunteer
- Make a list of things you’re thankful for
- Think about the skills I have and how I can apply it to other industries
- Get up and do something different
- Change my morning routine – seeing something else in my commute
- Change my places to hang out – explore different restaurants with different people
- Pick up a new hobby. (I have so many now… so maybe complete a thing related to an existing hobby)
- Prepare for a random speech you don’t have to give about something you love
- Write a poem
- Hug a stuffed animal
- Cry. Really hard. About everything you need to cry about. Do it alone. Don’t tell anyone about it.
Depression is a real thing and I don’t think I could force myself out of it with positive thinking. I could, however, just do things to distract it. I can surround myself with interesting fun people and take life less seriously. I could always watch something that makes me laugh and smile and hope things will get better.
~See Lemons Motivated