Believe You Are Enough

in #motivation7 years ago

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Simpler than ice on water is the free floating thought I am enough except those words are wrapped in chains and sunk to the bottom of the ocean for many who write with me. Insecurity breeds faster than rabbits and with less joy. Folk tales warn us away from conceit. Is self-love a conceit? Is the idea that I am a person who holds value a selfish one? I cry it is necessary if I am to share breath with assailants, if I am to create a better me than what was fashioned by clumsy hands and penises. I am not the shape they molded me into. But, in order to be more, I must believe I am enough.

And so must you.

There is no compulsion even excepting I believe even the predator has value; if they knew their worth they would witness what exists in everyone. And would they strike if they saw what they were harming as a mirror of their innate beauty?

Even when you don't have enough or think you don't do enough or feel you couldn't possibly meet whatever standard you have set for enough, know there is someone out there who sees you as valued. Throw aside the tired feeling of this t-shirt chant and claim its meaning. Assign it to your heart. You are enough.


Seldom is it I find such insight as this. It seems you are well down the road less traveled, M. Scott Peck would be most proud. I feel you have reached an epiphany of human understanding and growth. I suppose our task now is to master the process of allowing our speech to create the reality we desire. I am reminisce of an ongoing message I hear in the church I attend by this post. ... "because He is risen I too will rise"

I love it.. Simply. Love it

Thank you, @spozone. I haven’t had the time I prefer to respond recently. I want you to know all your comments lift my heart. I appreciate your voice.

Valuing yourself in an honest way is never conceit; not narcissistic. I would agree that pretty much all humans have value. And even across different points of view, we can find value in the common ground we do share. Simply believing in our own worth as living, breathing souls is a far cry from walking around thinking we should be worshiped for some imaginary sense of greatness.

Bright Blessings!

This is a beautiful and welcome response. Finding the common ground can be harrowing at times, but there is truth that everyone has value. I believe in our worth.

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meet whatever standard you have set for enough

My husband struggles with this because he sets the bar SO HIGH for himself. I think that I've gotten much, much better about that with myself, but maybe I went too far in the other direction. :/

This is a fabulous post. Thank you or sharing.

I vacillate between either extreme. It depends on what I want to accomplish. Setting the bar too high is damaging. Setting it too low leads to a different type of disappointment when I realize I could have done more. But it also allows me to safely learn how to set the bar higher next time. ❤️

This is so beautiful. Im really growing into this right now, and its feeling so delicious.

Hooray for deliciousness and growth! You are a super mama for sure. I love your confidence.

Aww. Thank you! Some days I feel it, others not so much.