
How can you? It is not possible to feel the positivity of wanting to do something (motivation) when you feel worthless, empty, defeated.

So how to get through those feelings and emerge into a space of motivation? After all, you can't fake motivation - it just becomes a form of self violence.

The way to 'return' to a state of 'motivation' is to discover why one has become 'de-motivated' in life, in the first place. There are likely to be aspects you do not wish to engage with - can you discover why? Can you do so without judgement? Perhaps you will see that there are one or two things triggering fear or reluctance, and this then blooms into full-scale demotivation and reluctance to do whatever it is.

Can we observe our own thoughts and reactions? It is very powerful!

Once there is some understanding of the mechanics and dynamics of what makes one tick - eg what triggers the motivated and demotivated states, it is then possible to do something about it if one wishes. We can go as deep as we like, self knowledge and understanding is EMPOWERMENT. When you feel empowered, you are also motivated to action.

Distractions do not motivate. If one is feeling defeated, and chooses to watch a movie or get drunk to take the mind off, this may work to some extent, but if the underlying causes and triggers of 'feeling defeated' are not understood, the cycle will certainly repeat itself!

I remain motivated even at the most difficult times because remembering every test I experienced only part of my life journey is actually still a long one.

I think of my children's faces, I can slowly rise again.

Previous experience when in the worst situation when my child is sick and treated in intensive unit, and at the same time I also get pressure from my boss because I often can not attend to office because I have to take care of my child.

I always believe God will not give a trial for his servant beyond the ability of the servant. I always believe that God will always be present giving me strength in passing every test in life.

Feeling defeated is something that someone should learn to avoid because it could lead to so

many things like depression,depression kills,well whenever i feel defeated,what i do to keep myself

motivated is to first of all make myself understand that the defeat do not mean i will not succeed,i

make myself understand that challenges are normal for anyone to face it before they can be

successful,another way i stay motivated is to listen to motivational tapes or read motivational books that have words to motivate someone

Staying motivated when someone is feeling defeated is a very good action to take because when someone feels defeated they might loose

their confidence and self esteem and that could lead to more dangerous things like depression so

that is why staying motivated is very

important,well i hardly allow myself feel defeated because i feel no matter what i will always be a

winner,but at some periods whenever i feel sad or

defeated,what i simply do is to carry my motivational books in my bookshelf then i start reading just to make myself feel motivated...

To face the defeat must have the attitude to always motivated

  1. Losing is okay but the spirit is the struggle of Significance: if we lost the match, we must keep the spirit for if not passion then we will always be hopelessly.

  2. From Zero To Hero: the meaning is the same as that originally colonized Indonesia nation up to 3 and a half centuries. There the people Nation Indonesia very tormented, so people want to be independent by the way Indonesia risked his life for the Indonesia. So we should not be discouraged in any circumstances.
    Keep on striving to achieve goal

  3. You are not alone: the meaning: whatever happens do not be discouraged, because many people who are willing to help.

  4. Be firm like a rock that is not dotted its is hit the waves. He not only stood staunchly, even reassuring anger waves and waves of it's Meaning: we must keep the spirit of the moment swept many trials, keep the spirit if we are correct, don't be too bold and when we are afraid, don't be too fear.
    Because the balance of attitude is what determines the precision of the journey our success.
    that is to say: our task is not to succeed but our duty is to try, because in trying this we discover and learn to build opportunities for successful.

  5. Children became a Father
    The meaning: just as living life begins from in, we are indeed used to be weak as a baby, but with determination and courage we can be as strong as the father.

I stay motivated whenever I am defeated by not losing sight of why my Creator Created me. And so I just focus on my purpose in life and do that.  I use 'defeat' to re-evaluate and re-align myself with Divine Will.