in #motivation7 years ago

You can choose to dwell on what's wrong or what is right with you, you can choose look at how far you've go or look at how far you have already gone in life. Having the world challenge in mind can help you to go far in life and knowing there is good and bad in every situation, but if you have the right attitude you can always find the find the good. Today allot of people use different excuses in life such as. I am negative because I have negative things happening to me, many of them even offer excuses like, a friend did me wrong, my business didn't make it, I had a bad childhood, I am dealing with sickness that's why I am sour.
My dear listener, it's not your circumstances that makes you negative. So you may wonder what then makes you feel so negative in life my dear it's your ATTITUDE towards thoes circumstances.
Hope you can remember JESUS illustration in the Bible, about a master who's about traveling to a foreign country, he called his three slaves and gave talent each to his own ability, the first two 5talent and 2talents respectively, the Bible help is to understand that this two have a positive mind-set they invest their talents and made profit out of it, each according to what he was given.
What about the last slave that received 1 talent?
The Bible say that he buried his own talent because he's afraid on going into business and as soon as the master returns he bring it out and give back to his master telling him how he buried the money so it will be safe. But the question is, is this slave really on the safer side? NO is the answer because he have a negative mind set.
This really means that the negative people will steel be just as negative, they many have the Sam problem and circumstances but much different attitude.
I would have drop this question for us to ponder at but let me touch it a little.
What is different between the position and the negative people?
The positive people have made up their mind to enjoy life, they focus on the posibilties not the problem, they are grateful on what they have and not complain about what they don't have
If you have more contribution about the difference between positive and negative i will welcome more comments thanks