let look into one of the major tragedy in life since it's not death.Fellow steemians, It's I @ssonia again.
A leader is one who has the courage to dream, the ability to organize and the strength to execute the action necessary. A leader is simply one who knows where he/she wants to go, gets up and goes.
Vision creates power. The enthusiasm that comes from vision results in dynamic power. This then leads to greater productivity and feelings of productivity increases your feelings of self-esteem. Enthusiasm is produced from vision and the power from enthusiasm is the energy that drives every successful idea.
Great vision comes from being quiet, still, often alone. Every leader needs to spend time in solitude and reflection. We live in a crazy rat-race world. Find a place where you can enjoy solitude. In a quiet place will come your best ideas.
Never allow your vision to escape you. Just as a fire will die without fuel so, too, will your vision and dreams unless you keep them constantly alive. Your vision should be so much part of you that you are living it day by day. Each day you need to rehearse and go over your vision. Visions rebuild themselves in quietness, not in the hustle and bustle of life.
“We grow by dreams. All big men are dreamers. Some of us let dreams die but others nourish and protect them, nurse them through bad days…… to sunshine and light which always comes.” By Woodrow Wilson.
The tragedy of life is not that we die, but what dies inside a man while he lives.
Keep your vision from dream killers. People who doesnt share your dream, people who doesnt see what you are seeing. With a single word , they are capable of killing the dream