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What you focus on proliferates, energy moves where your focus goes.
Have you ever heard about "The Law of Attraction"? or also known as "Like Always Attracts like? I do believe that exploring and understanding this belief would at least help us feel great great in our day to day living from waking up in the morning to doing your stuff in the platform. A simple belief which implies the outcomes of positive thoughts are always good consequences. And also the same thing works the other way around, the negative thoughts. Every good and bad things that had happened to our lives aren't just by accidents. In fact, we are the ones attracting them. Whether we are aware or unaware with it, every single minute of our existence, we are portraying as human magnets channeling out our thoughts and and emotions and alluring back more than what we have put out.
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We are all both inclined or liable to all to the laws which govern the Universe, including Law of Attraction. When you feel good, you are actually creating a reality which feels good. If you focus on not so good things, you will always be under that cloud. If you put your goals at the center you will really aim to find way in achieving them with massive action. With the Law of attraction and the magic of its mass and velocity working for you, truly can be, can do and can have whatever you desire in life. This makes the Universe such an amazing place with endless opportunities to be explored with.
UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL DEEP WITHIN US | Embarking our journey to the enlightenment of ourselves with the Law of Attraction
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If you have come to realize and internalize the astounding possibilities that life has to offer, let's take that artist out within us. I am describing oneself as an artist for we are creating pictures of our intended wonderful life and we make choices and take actions that will realize what we imagined. As simple as changing the picture if it happens that you don't like it. Life is a blank art paper of possibilities, you are the artist who's in control of what the end result could look like.
1.) Love and Relationships Manifestation
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Some people tend to unveil law of attraction on themselves to attract life long partners and better relationships with others. The belief inherently makes you feel more attractive individual with a clearer vision of what you desire in life.
2.) Attract wealth
One of many reasons why most people incredibly interested in learning the Law of Attraction is to grow their financial status. If you spare most of your time focusing on abundance you are receiving, for sure more would come your way. Try to flip every single negative thought that would spring in your mind. Whenever an inner voice tells you that you can't do it or you can never be successful try to flip it by thinking the opposite. Sparing time with alignment of your values is also imperative.
3.) Enhance Your Physical, Emotional and Mental Health.
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Our health and well-being play an important in role in attracting positive energy. Being productive all the time with everyday life sometimes lead to neglecting our own health. Constantly train your mind to see the positive in everything, it opens room for mental growth and joyfulness. Then later on could easily lead you to a better physical and emotional health. Mind over matter is probable and by opening our minds up we can all formulate special healing capabilities of our very own.
4.) Have more fun
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The much easier thing that can manifest through Law of Attraction is having more fun. Getting the vibration of having more fun can easily lead you to your goals in life. If we are having fun in everything you do, this makes us more receptive in attracting our desired needs and wants. Being in good emotional state attracts other things that will give you the best feeling.
Exercises that would help you magnetize what you desire
1.) Make a vision board.
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To easily figure out the things that we really want in life, try making a vision board. It constantly reminds us of what are our goals and how do we achieve them. It's a form of motivation which makes us in a high vibrational state. It's just a simple board with images of what you desire in life.
2.) Practice gratitude
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There are so many things that we take for granted each day. Practicing gratitude helps us to feel more alive, express compassion and good fortune and even gain good immune system. It builds better relationship, improves wellness physically and mentally and even makes us confident. Always remember that if we feel good and God , the more we attract good energy and helps us get whatever we desire. It is just like excitedly receiving something from someone, it makes the person feel appreciated. Same thing works for the Universe.
3.) Practice mindfulness
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As experts describe mindfulness, it's about intently paying attention to the present time without judgement. In circumstances that we tend to fear of doing, we should approach it without judgement. If you are in state of mindfulness, we are trying to control our automatic reactions. Try to flip your thoughts. It reinforces our thinking, actions and the negative feelings.
That's basically it for today. Let us all channel that positivism in the steem platform and for sure the best is about to happen. Keep your vibration high, be filled with aspirations and inspirations, always look for opportunities to enjoy, be a magnet of wondrous prosperity, be that successful, generous and happy individual. Bring that artist out within us.
@itinerantph is a steemit enthusiast who is a graduate of Management in Accounting. A BPO specialist and a teacher. A crypto enthusiast and a frugal traveler. One of the STEEMPH.CORE CORE LEADERS and CEBU STEEMIT BLOGGERS coordinator. Who is actively promoting the platform in his community.

This is really helpful.....
I think if I put all the listed in practice I will surely make something out of this.
Thanks for sharing
This is the most helpful nice post
Nice post,hope to be a doctor like u sir
The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful laws in the universe. What you think about is what you bring about into your life.
This blog reminds me to stay calm, relax and take time for meditation for me to feel light, unpressured and feel the beauty of nature. It's time to release some stress from our daily work it's time to chill, go out somewhere in places where I can think of wonderful things, great ideas and plans.
Thank you for this reminder @steemph.cebu this article helps a lot!
I remember the book written by Robert Greene - the law of attraction. It has a different view than yours, like a road that has two lanes. I appreciate you post.
what the mind can perceive the body can achieve @steemph.cebu!
all we have to do is ask!and things is gonna happen... whatever we think will happen ..good or bad!!I know it first hand !!interesting article...thanks for sharing!
woah...thank you for this post...it helps a lot, not only in steemit but in our daily living...kudos
Such valuable nuggets of wisdom..... reminds me of that book called "The Secret", it's important to focus on the positive, staying grateful and humble and hopefully the universe will manifest what we are needing :)
Good educational information should be shared so your post has been Upvoted and Resteemed. Hope more people get to read your blog.

Practicing gratitude and focusing on positive are amazing ingredient to make our life happier.
Good read. I'm a believer of Law of Attraction. Thanks for simplifying it @steemph.cebu
This is great, especially because we live in a world with a lot of negativity. Sometimes its hard to focus on the positive, but it is true. You create your own story without even knowing it. Thanks for the reminder and for sharing!