After an amazing performance tonight, I came to the realisation that there are always those who are better than you at every skill. This lead to the question of what should I then do about it? We watch those who are better then us every day, better at acting better at cooking, better at making a coffee at 8:30 in the morning (I wish I had developed this skill) and finally better at acting, drawing, animation, and fucking. It becomes not a competition between them and me, rather how can I improve my skills from watching those who excel in these areas. This though process lead me to some key points
Don't Brag
No matter how much you win to do a final tea bagging is never right it, it just like saying I win also I am so up myself I am also going to repetitively make you feel like I am better then you, it is also poor form in any area. Instead achieve as much as you like just keep it on the same level as religion and your penis, vagina, ass or tits (I am sure if i am not gender neutral it will be worse) I am sure they are great assets though just don't go waving them around in public.
Be humble
No matter what happens those who are humble are usually those who have succeeded the most, they don't need to brag they know what they have achieved however would rather connect with everyone on the same level even share their skills with others.
Bad Days Exist
Occasionally bad days (or months, years or decades) occur don't beat yourself up about them, yes they suck don't let it ruin the rest of your life. If the Bad days happen all your life I suggest seeing a doctor or psychologist.
Let go of anger
Anger no matter how satisfying it is to get revenge or be vindictive, don't let those who do you wrong live their life. I am sure they will make the same mistakes and those around them will realise, it also takes up to much of your time.
Don't Judge
There may be someone who at first glance looks like a serial killer, they could be a stand up comedian able to make people laugh at the drop of the hat and also an unrelated butchering skill.
Negatives are no
Regardless of who you are or what you do in any area, being negative towards anyone is never the best way to achieve things. Give compliments and support people positively.
Anyway I am heading to bed after a tiring performance.