"But he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly"
Prov 14:29b
Interestingly this is what comes to mind as I recall the message of a sister requesting counselling from the CEO of a well known local magazine.
She had asked what to do as her wedding was in a few days time to her supposedly 'prince charming' but unfortunately she was between the deep blue sea and the devil as she mentioned that deep down she knew she wasn't supposed to be getting married to him.
Can you beat that? Everything was set; from the beautiful wedding dress to the guest menu to even the honeymoon location at Seychelles paid for already but here she was in doubt for she knew he wasn't 'her man'.
Without beating about the bush, here's what I have to say if given the opportunity to seat with her one on one- "Thank God you spoke out just right on time". Yes right on time even if it was only few days to the wedding ceremony because the decision you make today is the destiny of tomorrow.
Listen, marriage isn't sentimental, marriage isn't emotional. It must dawn on you that what ever is the summation of your choice in a man or woman as a marriage partner is what you will live with for the rest of your life.
Let me quickly say here, don't think if it doesn't work, you can always have a divorce and marry someone else after all there are many fishes in the river better still many men /women out there, trust me you don't want to go through a divorce because it would have been better you didn't even get married in the first place.
It's what Dr Myles Munroe of blessed memory calls having to be reminded of something that ought to be dead and buried keep coming back to hunt you each time, especially when you run into them or worse off the thought of them; I mean your ex wife/husband.
People make the mistake of concentrating on the demands of a wedding without focusing on the essentials of marriage forgetting that weddings are for a day, marriages are made to be a life time.
You don't prepare for a marriage same way you prepare for a wedding.
A wedding preparation can take few weeks even days if contracted to an event planner but a marriage preparation, a successful one at that, take years to put together.
Don't let people, pressures, circumstances and the deceit of social media push you into regrets. If you have not aligned your fiance/fiancée with God's word, your personal peace and convictions then you are not ready for marriage.
And for the lady, I believe she got wisdom enough to help walk away despite the height of preparations and the planned out honeymoon in Seychelles;hopefully.
Seeing marriages crash and transform into divorce isn't a thing of joy but of heartaches and headaches causing a lot of societal ills. This isn't the picture God had when he created the first union between Adam and Even.
Despite what happened between them, Adam chose to stick with his wife after she made him eat the abominable fruit that led to the fall of man but thank God for Jesus for has given all things back to us in the covenant we have with him.
Now, we have the privilege of getting things right before walking down the aisle; so do everything it takes to make your choice count and count for life. Do not be in a hurry ,for life's journeys are not made in hurries. The presence and gift of time should remind you that its been given to test everything under the sun.
I leave you with a verse of scripture from the ancient word and I hope you think it through properly because it will bless you immensely. The blessing of the Lord is upon the head of the righteous; it enriches him, and grief of heart shall not be added to it.
Thank You For Reading
I Remain Your Steemit Love Coach a.k.a Love Doctor @thelovejunkie💞
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This is profound @thelovejunkie i heard recently of how a lady went ahead to marry a man who gave her some beating two weeks to the wedding. Her parents and siblings said they won't attend the wedding she went ahead and they kept to their word by not showing up. Destiny is not emotional as my pastor says, there its not worth it making decisions that have negative repercussions. Thanks again.
Ahh who is your pastor bro @samotu cos that's what my pastor says too. You have spoken to well. Thanks again
Marriage is for ever. And because of this we must be very careful when we're choosing our partners. It's sad that most folks nowadays love with their emotions alone. But the bible says that we must love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6:5, NASB)
And this is a similar love that God instructs partners to have for themselves.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. (Ephesians 5:25-27, NASB)
Wow, thanks alot for your outstanding comment. Following You.
Welcome friend.
You are a legend ma, thanks for putting us at right.
You have a shout out from someone in my show TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl https://steemit.com/entertainment/@jeaniepearl/tgif-with-jeaniepearl-episode-6
Thanks my darling @jeaniepearl. Oh really?! Lemme go check it out asap 😘
Even though it's crazy to enter a marriage to the wrong person, it still takes great courage to walk away at the last minute like that!
Oh ueah @handmaiden but its better it never happens in the first place.
You are so right ma'am
I love listening to this part of his message
Oh great! Shows you have been plugged to the right messages. Kudos darl @adejoke16
Its very necessary, the goal is staying happily married, not just getting married 😀