Stop Living in Fear Part 2

in #motivation7 years ago

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." This also applies to fear. The thing I think most people fail to realize is how powerful your thoughts are. Your thoughts direct your life consciously and unconsciously. You may have noticed how much easier it is to get a job when you already have one or how the opposite sex seems to be more attracted to you when you already have a partner.
First love.jpg

I believe the reason is that you have confidence and the reason you have confidence is that you released the fear you had of being alone or being impoverished. Let's face it, being broke is like losing a lot of your freedoms. When you don't have money you don't have as many choices. Your friends want to go out, but you have to stay home because you have no money. You want that new Xbox, but you have no money. You want to ask out that beautiful girl, but YOU HAVE NO MONEY!

When you don't have something you want we tend to focus our mental energy on focusing on the lack thereof. So instead of thinking how were going to go about getting what we want in life, we think about what we don't have and give all of our power to it. I believe God does not discriminate and wants you to have anything you can think of, this includes nothing. We need to have the wisdom to control our own minds and when we learn to control our own minds we can master this reality.

In Outwitting the Devil - The Devil say's it's "only worry is that a real thinker may appear on Earth"
The Devil goes on to say that if a "Thinker" did appear "That people would learn the greatest of all truths-that the time they spend in fearing something would, if reversed, give them all they want in the material world"

Do you think it is about time to "Think" and stop fearing?


Interesting I need to read this book.

You won't regret it. We need to turn off the TV and read more.