Dreams we created. We made them up from living through our daily lives and manipulating our memories into a simulation while we sleep. We create our dreams from reality. What is reality? There is no clear answer. Some say its what your senses feed you, your perception is created through your senses. If thats the case every human has a different perception because our surroundings are all different and we all are given different feedback. If our perception of reality is what our senses feed us then we all have different reality's. If we all have different reality's how do we all relate and communicate. Supposedly there is a common denominator of what all of our reality's share, thats how we relate. Everyone brings their share into this common denominator "reality". But what is this common denominator exactly? The most basic of simple observations? A rock is a rock? A person who looks sad is sad? Well some people are blind, others are blind to emotion's. I believe most of what we perceive we fabricate in our heads. So if what we're perceiving and projecting onto the world is fabricated, isn't everything a dream? IDK. Iv just seen incredible things happen in my 21 years of life from people who dreamed and really believed. So i say if you want to dream, DREAM BIG! Nothing is real but the amount of "time" in this "reality". Its your choice how you want to make it.
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