Be Obsessed With Success

in #motivation7 years ago

Success has different definitions but one constant that exists within all the definitions. It is simply achieving one's goal. We all have different goals and targets to achieve. Success to someone is getting water and food three times a day for the rest of his/ her life. To another, success is being able to win the lady of his dream. To wrestlers, success is being the champion in the ring. On steemit, success even varies. Its not everyone who is very much interested in making a whole lot of money or becoming a whale. Some people are genuinely interested in being heard and when their articles get noticed, their success has been achieved. Success is therefore relative and what might be a success to an individual might be a failure to the other.

I remember back in the lower primary when i was in class 6, we had our end of trimester examination. Every-time we had this examination, i feel uneasy and afraid. Mostly, i wasn't afraid of failing in the examination. What i was scared of was not being the best student in class. One day, our results slips were shared among us and everyone was happy. Most people had marks above 80%. A very close friend of mine knew not my marks and was concerned for my quietness. I had previously seen the mark of my competitor. He had scored 98%. My friend thinking i had such a low mark wanted to console me. He was very much angry when he discovered that i had 96% which was the second highest mark in the class. He didn't really understand what success meant to me. Indeed success is relative.


If success is relative, can there be an objective scale to measure and attain it? Wouldn't every attempt to attain it be subjective and as such we all have our routes? I will say the question is partly true for a yes answer. We all have what we call success and due to such varieties we need to work towards it different in our own ways. But there are common traits that history and knowledge has proven common to every successful individual. Most people believe hard-work is the key to success. Its partly true but hard-work doesn't actually lead one to success.

I recently realized this when i started writing on steemit. In my first year, i realized my mum works harder than i do and his target for success is money. I work part time but earn more than her on steemit. This told me that it really doesn't matter whether you are working hard or not, the most important thing is obsession. Obsession will lead you to the smart way of making your success come true.

I guess you just missed the main theme for this article. I will iterate again, to be successful, you need to be obsessed with what you want to achieve. Let us scrutinize the life of the greatest basket ball player. There is an interesting story about Michael Jordan described in a book on him “Michael Jordan: A life above the rim”. Jordan schooled in Varsity and joined his school football team in his first year. One year after joining the team, he couldn't match up to the other players and his seat was taken by another. He never stopped playing the game after being cut off. He now even played it more. He played to perfection. He developed his skills and kept on with his game. Jordan was obsessed about his failure to join the team and wasn't ready for another failure so he trained.

Michael Jordan life is a simple description of what an obsession is. Obsession has no end. You continue to progress no matter what it takes. You just push on and fight on till you hit the mark. That drove Jordan to becoming the worlds greatest player.

So if you want success, check how many times you work on your goals. If you are getting tired, remember, you aren't obsessed enough. Be obsessed with your success and it will follow you wherever you. Have a wonderful day.


I think my obsession with success is why I have failed so much. I guess I just want it so bad, I probably wouldn't know what to do with it if I ever obtained it.

You will be successful at the long run if you are truly obsessed with what makes you successful. You shouldnt be obsessed with success itself. There are differences between the two statements. If you are obsessed with success itself you will grow weary and unhappy

Exactly, the people who make huge sums of money, really don't care about the money, they care about the success. Look at Warren Buffet. He still eats at McDonalds, drives his old car and live in same house as he did for the last 30 years.

I on the other hand want to enjoy the fruits of my labor and buy toys, so I don't know if I will ever be able to achieve success, seeing I actually want to enjoy my money. The only people I know that have a lot are people who work 80 hours a week, live in crappy houses below their means, don't go on vacations, don't buy anything and save every dime. Sure they are rich in money, but they are poor in life experience.

Sorry for the long rant.

I literally just published the same article, Unsuccessful: A look at success
You hit the nail on the head here about success being relative - and that's what I intend to highlight through comedic irony. On the quest to success - we may never find the answer if we become so obsessed with an ambiguous term or judgement!

the obsession with success two symptoms: first, is the choice of a weak opponent in order to make sure not to lose. Secondly, it is success at any cost. Unfair practices, the use of official position and the advantages that others do not have. This type of life behavior not only will not lead to anything positive, but also exactly will be reduced to defeat at the end of the path, in the main battle.

All we know that failure is the key to success. When I failed in any work, at first I worried. But It's lasting no longer. It motivate me and give me full energy to do work. You are a good writer. I feel happy to read your nice post. Thanks @tj4real

As a judge in court, i must obsesed of my work, because if I am not obsessed maybe i dont succes in judging cases by cases. I agree with you @tj4real. Hope you succes and God Bless You. Best regards

Thats right . You should go the extra mile to become a great judge. That will distinguish you from your peers

Thanks again for your support @tj4real, i very appreciate. I was put you for my favorite. I hope you dont mind. If you have a time, please come to my home and see my FIRST contest in steemit. I hope your support.

Thank you for this. Very well written and very insperational as well.

Great share! I love being reminded about success and the process of attaining success. Growing older, you realize being passionate on what you do on a daily basis gives you a higher chance of reaching to success. @tj4real

Thanks for passing by. I really admire your presence

No problem, keep the great content coming!! @tj4real

I just wrote something about that. We need to take more time for ourselves. Thanks. Resteemed.

Google çeviri. Sayesinde anlamaya çalıştım yayınınız olağanüstü

Wonderful. Thanks for this shareing

Wonderful. Thanks for this shareing

Wonderful. Thanks for this shareing

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
you have co-related your life experience in this very well.Glad to have come across such a post.

Risk is one of the factors that help people to be successful, willingness to take risk, ability to do what others think it's impossible,and effort to create something from nothing is what makes us a successful person.

Thanks for the motivation @tj4real

Motivational for me, thanks

Great very impressed to see your posts good job buddy u are a million dollars person💵💵💵💵💵

I agree and with what people do not all like to earn money, but this is only for people who are lazy, to become a great Pope should be with a precise concept and we need to know that steemit is a business form plate , all investors are gathered to embody a global market that is now a strength In steam.
There are four points we must know to be successful in steamAn honor can read all these highly beneficial posts @tj4real dimensions of life to gain success must have a consistency to achieve a goal on the other hand what our true mission and what goals we expect this to be is the first we must understand, not just in we get a beautiful girl, or we become a wrestler to win a game, or we want to get food for us to give to our family, many things to be we can be successful, interesting I can understand than posting





It is the most effective to succeed in steemit
Hehormatan for me can read selurh post @tj4real

We win together

See you on the top

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @tj4real

Follow my blog @powerupme

In our effort to be obssessed with money,we surely have to make sure to live along with contentment

in my opinion , just trying trying and trying is the best way to achieve goals.
even when u become unsuccessful,never ever give up.
I've followed you and upvoted this post. If you like, you can do the same so we can support each other :)

Nice post

Jack Ma Read the biography! This is success! never give up!

Everyone has his or her own perceptions about life. And most of the time the pressure from the surrounding molds people's mind. It's like programing the brain with codes of success definitions.

That's why, for instance, there's this running for forming a family and grow old. But others don't have the passion for it.

It's common to see couples observing a guy sitting on a bench alone, and feeling pity for him. They mix loneliness and pain. Anyone can be alone but it doesn't mean he feels lonely.

Success is the ultimate realization toward the desire printed in our heads. It can't have any value for others, but for us, it can mean everything. And I think here lies the cause for constant approval.

Some of us just dwell too much in receiving the blessing or make everyone around us to understand our decisions and goals. But that's useless. We're different by our own experiences and personalities. So instead of obsessing for approval, let's obsess about getting what we want.

Success first manifest in the inside before it manifests in the outside. If you don't feel the success in you and do not see yourself as successful there is no way you will acheive your successsuccess. Thanks for the post I like it

You have made a very valid point on Succeess @tj4real.

How about talking beyond the obsession but paying attention to doing it the right way when we want success?

I read the comment by @fuckmylife and I think if he can focus on what he wants to achieve and how to achieve it, the obsession would yield good results.

You see, when people get obsessed with success, they can go ahead to do anything just to make sure they get there. This is not the approach that should be taken if we don't want weary like @tj4real said

Good content. I have followed you

I'm so obsessed people think I'm an asshole. Living in Bali, Indonesia, I live in a place where some people may live up to 3 months.

I rarely say hi to these folks because I know they'll be gone shortly, and I have things to get done. Like get in touch with my actual friends I have been putting off for too long

So I will mainly say hello to them and you can see that they want to chat but i just don't. Or maybe deep down I don't want to connect with them for them to leave in a few months time and be sad....

But we won't go down that rabbit hole :P

"If you are getting tired, you aren't obsessed enough", i ain't going to forget this,thanks @tj4real for sharing, i'm always motivated by your posts

I have always believed success means different things to people.

Great post you have to be obsessed with success before you make it in life most times we need to be focused and desperate in a positive ways before we become successful.

I think what makes people successful is their willingness to fail, to learn from their failures and to keep pushing on. A lot of people give up after they run into problems and successful people just do a better job at learning from their failures

What you think is right and its just an iteration in a different view point of what i have said. The story about Michael Jordan says it all. Thanks for passing by