My day was a busy day. I started off by hurrying to a nearby shop to drop a stapler i had borrowed the previous day. I knew the day was packed and i had to return the stapler to the shop so i was so disappointed to realize the shop keeper wasnt around when i got to the shop. I wasn't much bothered as i knew i had a big day ahead. I hurriedly cycled my way to class hoping not to be late. We had Microbiology lecture that morning. One of the most dreaded courses in Medical Laboratory science. I got to class 10 minutes early and rested for a while. I was so relaxed to have made it so early to class.
The lecture was a success to me but i basically heard very little from the lecture as i was finding it hard to pay attention to the lecturer. I was convinced he was going to give a test upon completing the lecture which he eventually gave. My day actually started turning sour from that moment. Everything was going on smoothly till he started asking questions which he is yet to teach in the next lecture in the quiz we were taking. I still fought my way through the negativity. The day continued with everything moving on as planned.
We had a practical session on hematology and i was able to for the first time make a thin blood film. If you might not know what a thin film is; A thin blood smear is a drop of blood that is spread across a large area of the slide. It is used for diagnostics. I was excited till the second when everything turned around. It was time to go home and i couldn't locate where the stapler i took from the shop keeper was. I was so down and had to search over and over for the stapler. This single event nullified all the joy and adventure i have had during the day.
It really made me remember how very little aspects of our lives tend to affect a majority aspect of our life. We might have a very white shirt with a tinge of stain in it and be very much worried about the tinge and neglect the other 99% white aspect of the shirt. Today has thought me a lesson to be happy no matter what. Lets delete the idea of having a bad day for in a day, we often have just a bad minutes tops of the whole 24 hours. Lets make the other hours worth it and enjoy life. stay blessed.
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You can even have the last part of you day ruin the whole purpose of that day and it can be devastating.