My life , My poem

in #motivation7 years ago

Over the years, I have come to realise that what determines my actions ,reactions and response to life is the quality of information I carry. You see,many live life's that is not their own because they have been held slaves of what they believe which was communicated to them unconsciously during their formative years and they have been forced to replicate the same life as of those who influenced them.

Truth be told, if we would ever know , then we must learn from people. But some of us have come to a point where we dictate the things in our world by carefully checking what we have believed and radically searching the books to seek for the real truth to live by.

I have been taught that it is bad to use expensive things ,but now I discover it was poverty speaking through them. I have been taught that all rich people have evil secrets ,but now I discover that life respond to you based on your input and sacrifices

I can't afford to live my life based on someone's assumption. My potentials cry out for expression out of the cage my believes have locks them.I hear the next generation whispering aloud ,telling me to maximize my life now.

so I decided to be the master of my life . With humility and wisdom ,I shut out the lies and with zeal and passion,I seek for the truth hence my life becomes my own poem

public speaker, purpose and life coach

image#anticipate the series #academicrevolution