Most people would love to live a happy and meaningful life. The truth is that so many have spent their whole lives working to be happy only to find in the end their lives feel empty. They strive for self-actualization but get lost in the morass of petty desires and sick vanities.
Sociologists counsel that to find more meaning in life, one has to have positive attitude, sound physical health, financial stability, and a passion for knowledge. Trying to achieve them all proves elusive to many that they find life so hectic – so many details to be managed, so many demands to be met. As if they purposely overloaded themselves with more things than they could possibly accomplish. Unable to cope, they end up in anxiety and depression.
Others philosophize that life does not come with ready-made meaning nor a prepackaged purpose so one has to find out what we are, what existence is all about, and why everything is the way it is. They insinuate that some people don’t even know why they get up in the morning. So, connecting with a higher purpose will give, if not add, meaning to one’s life.
Indeed, the best way to live life and die without regret is to find a way to make it truly meaningful. But what gives meaning to life? Food, drink, and clothes – what some vehemently proclaim are the prime necessities of life - are also life stressors that many in today’s world have a hard time providing adequately for their loved ones or even for themselves.
Sad to say, modern societal adoration of money as a determiner of a person’s value and significance is so pervasive that people’s outlook on meaningful life is to take life to the fullest, having no boundaries, knowing that death will ultimately come anytime. Life, they rationalize, is already full of ups and downs, bumps and bruises, with twists and turns along the way that you might as well live it to the max.
Even with all the miseries and troubles of living, in this perilous world, life can truly be meaningful if we spend it with our love ones, doing good to people and being passionate in serving God. Indeed, life will never feel empty because our love ones are there for us which serves as our inspiration. As such, man can take the time to smile, bring back the joy in his life and breathe easy, knowing that God will take care of him in this life and even more in life to come.
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Very well said mam @trexybap123.
Indeed, life is meaningful even if it is not fair. Hahaha!
Nice post!
yeh, i agree we can make our life happy to give it purpose.without any purpose life is nothing
live life in a state of gratitude, and you will always be happy!
good message
Very inspiring :) What makes life meaningful is not money but God and family :)
we shall live in a meaningful life then, thanks for this post i get reminded!
Indeed sissy!