The Secret Behind Motivation and Self-Discipline

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

There's many aspects of motivation people seek out, such as life coaches, self-affirmations, music, motivational speakers, self-improvement books, social support, inner support (self-talk) and many more things.

I have learned about motivation throughout the years, from sixteen to my current age now of twenty-three. What I've learned is there are a lot of aspects of the human mind that should be developed, like self-reliance, self-talk, routines to preserve your will-power, natural energy boosters, quality of sleep, quality of exercise, social interactions and social media use.
I just want to tell you a little about what got me into these improvements...
While I was growing up, we were very wealthy in our family, I was a social butterfly as a kid and then 2008 came, my mom divorced my father, he lost his job as a broker and went without a job for almost an entire year until he found new work. In the meantime my mother had never had a real job, real responsibility, always just had to have a bottle of wine and her choice of narcotics that day. We became so poor, that we no longer have the means of getting hot water, electricity, always moving and all the times I found myself locked out of our own home, with our stuff on the side of the road with a big read sticker on the door saying we were evicted
When they divorced I was a pre-teen and the horrors of divorce plagued our family for nine years, in that time I failed most classes, was depressed, using drugs, sex and video games to escape the reality we lived in, little did I or my family know that in those years we were all dying of the thousand cut practice done by the Chinese dynasty but with our personality.
At one point I was blacking out talking to new people because I would be so nervous, I'd shake, get red, sweat, stutter and leave before I'd even finish a thought because I was terrified of their reaction to my personality, I thought I was incapable of talking to people, at being accepted, always thinking no one liked me, that I was incapable of doing things on my own.
One day I picked up a book called maximum achievement at sixteen and it had started.
I looked into psychology, learned of macro-micro body movements, tonality, neuro linguistic programming, affirmations, ways of motivation, motivational speakers, went through a Think and Grow Rich phase, nature and nurture, sociology, meditations and much more.

Through those years, I've only just realized that most of my disappointments were at first put as a seed to grow into insecurity from the people that bullied me for either being poor, fat, dumb or a fuck up ( as a teacher screamed that in my face in front of the class). That seed though had a huge opportunity to grow in the divorce, through high school with consistent bullying and by the people I surrounded myself with (birds of a feather flock together), once out of high school I started developing myself and from what I have learned, to kill those biased that you perpetuate in your own mind, are your doing and no longer anyone else, since you're in control of your environment when you're an adult.

So, I changed my friends, who I hung out with, challenged my weak points, avoid negative family or limit my time with them, so they can't rub off too much. These are things that I had gradually changed throughout the fives years out of high school.
I never went to college because I personally think it's a scam and I'm successful without it.
What we have to do, to kill our biased of ourselves is the make self affirmations saying the opposite of what we think we are, which we don't like, read these once in the morning and once at night, could be for grades, social situations, money, health and much more (I recommend reading how to change the way you talk to yourself), then we must surround ourselves with people better than us or at least emanating the things that we wish we could have and we'll learn and adapt to their personality, since we develop traits of the people we surround ourselves with and if you can't do that since you're in a small town the hood or whatever, I recommend Tools of titans, it's a book of successful people and how they got there, what they read, their habits, how they got there and how they grew up, very good for moral support.
Last we have self-discipline, which is a limited power that can be drained easily, if not used well. When we make choices that uses our will power, like choosing what to wear that morning, what to eat that morning, scrolling through facebook and deciding which link to open and look at, what to like, comment, share and post. These all take will power.
I recommend having your outfit set the day before, the meal prepped, avoid fb before you do anything serious that day or at least limit it.

How do we build will-power? We do things we don't want to do, like wake up and jump out of bed, take a cold shower, make your bed before you go to work and do things that you would usually put off, this develops will-power.
Now for motivation I have a few things I do, I wake up listen to my favorite song while I shower and blast it on cold at the end of my shower, this helps wake me up, develops will-power, get into work an hour before anyone else, Karaoke my favorite Frank Sinatra song That's Life and My Way and finish up with repeating one of the speeches in Wolf Of Wall Street.

Now I want you to realize a recurring theme in all of this, I act silly to get myself out of a negative daze, I do affirmation for positivity that develop security in myself and reliance of myself, I do speeches to boost my self-talks and motivation and cold shower, coming into work early, making my bed and going out of my way to help someone(didn't mention this one) to develop my self-discipline.

Through all of the improvements I've been able to run my own business, give speeches at my seminars, talk to billionaires that like me, cold call, develop lots of different friends groups for my mood when I used to only have three or four friends, girls are attracted by my confidence( and dance moves I bet ahaha), have a girlfriend for over a year, who like me was very insecure and has improved tenfold since I've taught her these things, I no longer pitty myself, talk my self down, let peoples thoughts of me discourage me, I am more energetic, vocal, open, kind, caring and most of all proud of myself and the people that try as well.

I wrote this article in 30 minutes btw on micro-doses of modafinal, so if it's not the best or best organized, I apologize, I will fix it in the future, just wanted to post something and not go a week without something going out.

If you have any questions or something that you may want me to cover about the brain, human interactions, smarter life hacks, sociology, persuasion, self-development, my experience and information on modafinal aka the Limitless drug, ask in the comments below.


If this is true and you did not steal somewhere i think is priceless

Thanks, yeah this came straight from the dome in my head, to this article.
I strive to improve myself and others that are willing to put the effort forward and helping those in need like the poor, elderly and children.