Regardless of what dream you're chasing, there's going to be challenges, there's going to be obstacles, and there's going to be setbacks. This week I was unfortunately met with disappointment. One of my goals is to produce one new song a week, but this week I wasn't able to accomplish that goal. And I spent some time thinking about what I should post about, then decided to take a step back and talk about moving past setbacks.
When I was younger, I used to spend way too much time focusing on every setback that I faced. But as I grew up, I learned that they're just going to be a part of life. And one of my teachers told me that what defines you is how you recover. And when I was first told that, I blew it off because of how young I was. But I eventually thought about what it meant and then realized how powerful it was. There's not a single person that hasn't been met with some sort of disappointment, defeat, or disappointment. But the successful ones were those who were able to overcome their defeats and persevere.
My ultimate goal is to make a living doing what I love, and that's music. And even though I wasn't able to finish a song this week, that's okay. I still dedicated time to my craft, and I've also been working on a very detailed tutorial that's intended to help aspiring producers learn how to create their own music. I just fell a little short of one of my goals this week. That said, I'm very excited to move past this setback and continue my goal next week!
i feel you man. i feel the same when it comes to not only this platform but also my fitness journey. Still we gotta keep motivating each other. best advice for anything is to start somewhere like write a sentence if its a blog or play one/few chord if its a song.
Absolutely, motivation is key and finding others to hold you accountable and motivate you can be amazing! Hopefully you like the song because I'm trying to make it dark and moody for you :D
Just giving you some extra ideas to juggle haha. Dont worry I'm definitely going to listen to them during my fitness workout
need easier to refer to the failure. although the creative person is not easy. find the Muse!) thank you!
Thanks for reading my post!
Thank you for sharing your inner sight and wisdom! 👍
Absolutely, and thanks for the support!