There is a BIG difference between leader and boss. Unfortunately, in World today we can see a lot of bosses and few leaders. Maybe that's the reason why most of the people are discouraged at their workplace.
But, the more discouraged people are by their boss, the more the team is suffering. I know that's not the goal of any boss, but In most situations it's Ego problem. And you know, where there is Ego, there is no real human advance. Yes, you can make money with Ego, but people will not like you and respect you. I'm sure most of the people doesn't want that.
So don't be a boss, be a leader. A real leader will say:
Don't walk behind him, he may not lead. Don't walk in front of him, 'cause he may not follow. Just walk beside him and be his friend!
Big greetings, Luka!
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Pa vidim da si nam sinoc na diskordu rekao sve iz srca, pa kažem ja sebi zašto ne probati. Kad se priča iz srca, mnogi dobri ljudi to prepoznaju i iskreno to me onda motivira. Ne znam i nisam naučen drukčije raditi stvari nego iz srca i ljubavi, tako me majka odgojila i treba da je ne sramotim okolo po svijetu! :) Hvala puno na podršci!