[-]xubrnt (1) · 27 minutes ago
you are a jack-t-ass-(k-) t-a- r-e-d- making s- (h-) i/t- (he-ad-) up- e- d- with no one you would have t 0 w/h 0 re a L/L (D) at (h) e a.d. ~ debt (b) as (k/t) s up t . ye-w/-he-t- d id kn 0/t (h/c) a re (ye) a.d. debt ass (m) u ch t ~ 0ff t/h (b) (r) 0ugh t ~ (h/c) a r/r e'ye (id) s (L) 0/t ~ t 0/0 t/h (a)d s (p) ea (k) t (ass) up t
Thank you for giving me so much of your time, effort and attentions. Maybe had your content portrayed a thought, an idea, some sense of...well...sense I would have seem it. Sadly it seems ridden with spastic and illegible structure. The effort taken to try to decipher the trolling messages you so keenly believe are true, are not welcome on my page.
Also...pretty sure you cant plagerize yourself, as I moved my blog to #steemit.
Take care and try not to burn yourself on the way out.
"le-t-s" wax and wane for only the altar ye-w/00-d- 0- w/-he-t- ass- k- t- he- s- (e-) am-e- (n-) d- e/b- t- (b-) ass- (k-) t- 0/n- e- d- (s-) am-e-(n-)d-
[-]xubrnt (1) · 27 minutes ago
you are a jack-t-ass-(k-) t-a- r-e-d- making s- (h-) i/t- (he-ad-) up- e- d- with no one you would have t 0 w/h 0 re a L/L (D) at (h) e a.d. ~ debt (b) as (k/t) s up t . ye-w/-he-t- d id kn 0/t (h/c) a re (ye) a.d. debt ass (m) u ch t ~ 0ff t/h (b) (r) 0ugh t ~ (h/c) a r/r e'ye (id) s (L) 0/t ~ t 0/0 t/h (a)d s (p) ea (k) t (ass) up t
ye-we- only care about what the h-and- (L-) e- (f-) t- h- (c-) an- d- e/b- t- ass- k- t- (h-) a- (s/s-) p- Luck- t- (a-) b- (0-) u- t/t- (h-) e-re- e- L/L- (h-) and- 0/u- (be-) t-
ass-k- t- 0- w/- h0- re- (d-) sir-e- d- am-0/u-(n-) t- he-ad- 0/u- (be-) t-
Thank you for giving me so much of your time, effort and attentions. Maybe had your content portrayed a thought, an idea, some sense of...well...sense I would have seem it. Sadly it seems ridden with spastic and illegible structure. The effort taken to try to decipher the trolling messages you so keenly believe are true, are not welcome on my page.
Also...pretty sure you cant plagerize yourself, as I moved my blog to #steemit.
Take care and try not to burn yourself on the way out.
t-(h-) e/m- p- (0-)L-e- (d-) g- e- (n-) d- 0f- t- a- gain- d- 0f- -(t-he-h-) a- n- d-
"i commit these words" to a practice "i" never d serve i.d.
ye-we- (e-) d-serve-d-0f-t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- 0/0- L- (b-) e- (n-) d- i/t- hie-ven-d-