There is order in chaos as chaos is a natural phenomenon and acts as a reset button when things spin out of proportion. In today’s world, chaos can come in the form of famine, war or inter-religious or ethnic dispute, natural disaster, or epidemic. These are all ways through mother nature maintains balance, and stop things from going really bad.
We as humans ought to have a way that is tailored to our personality on how to maintain balance, this approach will vary from person to person. What will work for Mr A may not work for Mr B, so it is important for one to stay true to his or herself in identifying ways to keep calm in the midst of chaos.
In this post we will look at ways in which we can improve and balance our lives, we all know a well-balanced life is a happy life. And a balanced life starts from inside of us because our world is projected from inside of us to the outer world. That’s why our internal state of mind and emotional state of being is very important because that is what informs our decisions, and our decision impacts the quality of life we live.
Look Inside Out
I properly identified the problem, is a problem half solved hence the best to start is from within you, what, where, and how are you doing right now? Are you happy, depressed, angry or frustrated?? Ascertain your current standings in life, if you are living a fulfilled life, and your work and engagements are fulfilling to you. This gives you an idea of where you are and how you want to approach this, from there on, you can strategize how you want to advance in your pursuit of a balanced life.
This endeavour may take a day or two, or it could take weeks, but it is wise to apply yourself in finding the truth for yourself. And when you are satisfied with the answer you’ve got, then it is time to proceed to the next step.
Setting Goals
With the feedback you got from the first exercise, you must have identified the areas where you want to make improvements in your life. And when setting goals, it is wise for your goals to be SMART which means Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time-bound. With this framework in mind, you will be on course to creating a balanced and more fulfilling life experience. You must set out time to review your goals from time to time, in order to remain on track, and once you have succeeded in once you’ve achieved certain milestones, it feels good to celebrate. Because these are the things that will keep you doing in times of uncertainty and doubt.
Goal setting requires some form of discipline, setting the goals is the easy part, keeping track and re-evaluating your standpoint is the real work. Goals are meant to be updated from time to time based on the feedback you derived from execution. You can broaden the scope of your goals, or you can make it more specific.
Make the Conscious Effort To Lead a Balanced life
The law of attraction detects that when one focuses his thoughts and attention to either positive or negative things, those thoughts materialise and manifest themselves. And there are several cases and evidence that shows that this law, for what it is worth is real. With that thought in mind, it will be a smart move to employ this is our quest for a happy life, hence focusing on living a balanced life, and expecting the best out of life, instead of negative thoughts of how things can go wrong.
If you one follows the laid out plans, having it in mind to continuously improve based on feedback and data gotten; an all-around balanced life is attainable. Happiness starts from within, it is our task to reach out for it and grasp it.
References - Create a balanced Life
Aktive tros bang. By geese from gese
Thanks brother :)
Benar sekali, segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan haruslah prinsipil dan selalu mengkaji akan dimana keberadaan kita saat ini, seberapa pantaskah kita memperlakukan diri sendiri? Hanya kita saja yang tahu, manusia bijak adalah dia yang senantiasa bisa menghargai diri dan orang lain. Sukses selalu sobat @yandot salam jabat erat selalu
Iya betul sekali , kita harus menghargai diri sendiri dan juga orang lain.
Terimakasih sudah membaca postingan saya , sukses selalu untuk anda juga.
Chaos is a sign for us, so that in the future we can manage life for the better.
This is very nice. I have resteem it.
Awak drou nyo beh..
Pembahasan yang menarik, kita harus menjadi diri sendiri dan tidak berusaha menjadi orang lain, kekuatan dimensi dari pikiran membawa kita kepada apa yang kita pikirkan dan ini menentukan posisi kita dalam bersikap.... good job @yandot
Yang mekhianat meuwolaknat ateu rojih.amin ya Allah
Yang mekhianat meuwolaklat ateu rojih.amin ya Allah
Yang mekhianat meuwolaklat ateu rojih.amin ya Allah