Are you in this scenario where all your friends are making it in life, and you are the snail of the group?, they are all doing something worthwhile with their life, but you are stuck with being broke and everything you seems to be doing all end up in the gutters?
Maybe you are even here on steemit, and every of your friends, colleagues, or probably your acquaintance you got in with, have gotten far with high reputations but your's seems to be moving like a snail. **DON'T EVER GIVE UP, YOUR TESTIMONIES ARE ON THE WAY. **
You are an AEROPLANE, the plane always start with a slow pace on the ground level, then its fast track and start running, and quickly zoom into the air. Its may take sometimes on the ground but with time, its flying.
Unlike the helicopter that will get into the air without moving. The propellers (rotor blades) will just pick it from the ground level and launch it into air. The rotor blades are like wings and create wings (just like the rich kid from a rich father). But in an aeroplane its a different ball game, its must fly fast to move enough air over its wings to provide lift and thrust (those sleepless night you had, studying).
Just imagine a plane and an helicopter being start at the same time. The helicopter will get into the air first, while the plane will be building up momentum on the ground level. When its finally get into the air, I don't think the helicopter will even see its back
The only advantage the helicopter has over the plane is that, its start flying first, The helicopter gets into the air first, but its can't be compared to, when the plane gets up there.
See yourself as an aeroplane, anything you are doing now is preparing you, all those petty stuffs that are doing now trying to make ends meet are preparing you for the future. Just because your friends are making cool cash now (that's what they call it), should not get you off balance, see it as if you are building momentum for the future swift flight which will be a swift shift. lol
Don't let the helicopters distract you, don't look up into the air because they hovering around making alot of noise, focus on your runway, because when you finally get into the air, they won't even see your back.
Have you ever thought of the amount of time used in building sky scrappers? compared to a bungalow. A bungalow can be finished while the foundation of a sky scrapper is still being laid. Just imagine you passed the site where these two buildings are being built, you probably think they are wasting time on the sky scrapper until it is finally finished, and it will just stand out. Its takes years to finish a skyscraper, so don't be in a hurry, FOCUS!!!; this should be your watchword.
rotorspropeller capable of lifting many airplanes) that was encouraging him to keep running, now he's effort pays, he's flying.If you ever need encouragement or where to develop faith here on steemit, follow @tojukaka, he started with 0.0cents in his posts, for like months, he almost gave up, but there were those unseen like @Samsticckz (he's now a big
Good post
Thanks bro
he beat me to it........ God bless you sir
Lol... Have been thinking of how to pen this down for some weeks now...
You can still do your own version bro
Wow... These words are breath taking. Lifting ones faith and believeing in the future.. Kudos