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RE: Quote of the day: “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.”

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Without a doubt. Have any of you read Extreme Ownership? It's main focus is teaching people to take responsibility when they're in a leadership role. It almost presents the typical "there are two kinds of people" scenario. Whether you believe it or not, people either blame externally, or they blame internally. Externally being something like..."I got caught at a red light so I was late for work." Internally being, "I was late for work because I didn't wake up on time." I think there is a lot of value in adopting this principle. By taking responsibility for any short-coming AND allowing others to bask in the fruits of success, you indirectly create a culture around you that promotes accountability, and you also build the confidence of your followers, among other things. Thank you for the wonderful prompt @czechglobalhosts


Thank you so much for stopping by and adding some great thoughts on the subject...... I might have to check out your suggested book:)

My pleasure! Please wont regret it. Its'called Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. Let me know if you read it...I'd love to have a discussion about it.