The life of the pawn, it is expendable less valued placed in the battle front with no regards to its existence. Most people find their self in this position made to believe they are worthless, their life is meaningless they are placed below human standards and are been bullied by nature and unfavourable circumstances. You probably might be thinking that your life is over cause you have been programmed to believe so but it is not.
Your life is only over when you decide it is, no one can make you happy, you dont have a switch of happiness placed on somebody else, you were born with all the potentials you need to succeed in life but the painful truth is most dont get to use it before leaving this earth. Most of the greatest ideas are buried in the grave. Choose to always believe in yourself
It keeps moving forward; no matter what you facing always remain focused keep your mind set on your goal and when the opportunity comes your mind will be Alerted.
It always takes the first step; if you want something get it, dont hide under the umbrella of procastination, the journey towards success is always from the 1st step, be the 1st to take that step or else you will always be behind everyone.
It moves irrespective of the dangers ahead; life is all about taking risk, success people are risk takers, if you afraid of risk then you cant succeeed. Even the finest gold undergo some form of heating.
At the opponents end it becomes whatever it wants to be; when a pawn reaches the opponents end it transforms to any piece it wants to be. You can be anything you want, at the end of all your struggles you will be grateful you held on to your goals. The beginning is not as important as the end, a failure is simply one who refused to take that one more step. Direction is more important than speed.
Thanks for reading
Hope you learnt from the life of a pawn??? Pls drop your comments...
Hmm brilliant one
The boss i salute
Nice man
Sure i did, it was really an awesome post...wehdone
Thanks man