Face the future and forget about the past

in #motivational7 years ago

"The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time."


What you are doing now, things are going to change. It is inevitable that the future will soon be upon us. Things will change, they have to. People you now work with will leave you one day. your life will either improve/slacken off. You will leave your parent soon or later, your colleagues will be different. You also will change.

All these changes happen and it is the smart manager who not only embraces them but is prepared for them. Ealier we looked at having a plan B and C; well, this is different - this is not catering for specific crisis but being fluid and flexible enough to stay ahead of the game. What this means is that when change occurs you can take in your stride and aren't thrown off course by it.

I once worked at a particular company that got taken over twice, in the space of a year. Each time the new people came in they had a whole series of changes to implement. They wanted things done 'their way'. This was fine, but after the first time we had barely got our breath back when the second takeover occurred. I watched a lot of people fall by the wayside because they couldn't cope with the stress having to stay flexible. I was nearly one of them myself. It was a hard time but i saw them resisting change was futile. Only by embracing the change could i survive - and not only survive and milk the situation into my advantage. The more I smiled and had a sort of 'bring it on attitude'the more responsibility i was given for the change itself. Other managers played the oak in the storm, But i was willow. I bent and swayed and survived. They resisted,stood firm and lost branches.

You have to face your own future as well, will you move on? Have you grown bored with the job, the industry, your role in it? what turns you on today may not in 10 years time.



True, change is something we need to embrace not neglect, if neglected we will remain on the wayside as said by you. Nice one @dapeeyg

Thank you.