I know a kid who walks as a queen, smiles like one who won a jackpot and never has a dull spirit even when she wears the worst of clothes. One day after laughing so hard at the way she walked with her "rags" , I called her and asked why she felt her dress was beautiful. Her response blew my mind
"I know it's fine na, can't you see?" She responded

There and then I knew self esteem isn't in what you wear, but who is wearing it. Ebuka's Agbada (at least thats what I know it looked like) during BAAD wouldn't have made the head news if the dude had dragged his head between his legs while walking in that dress. It's called self esteem, self respect, Self Love.

Its pretty bad when as an individual you cannot love yourself, but whats worst is when everyone knows you dont love yourself. Damn! That could kill.
So here's a couple of tips to help you through to building your self esteem.

*Be comfortable
Swity, you cant help it. If God created you with a big nose, big lips, small ears or even a big head you could only help yourself love it like that. Be comfortable with yourself. Dont talk yourself down. If you have the money go to lagos and get it fixed.
Be comfortable with you. Aim for the best of you but never underestimate the power of your comfort.
*see everyone and see no one.
Thats tricky though, but here is how it works. Everyone will always think about themselves first, so dont be concerned about everyone but you. So yeah you still see them but you see no one.

*make mistakes.
Dont be scared of them, it doesn't kill to make mistakes. It only kills when you refuse to learn from them.

*Get a mentor
Every aspect of your life should have a mentor, so pick one. Note there is a difference between a mentor and an idol, and in picking a mentor be careful not to be too sentimental. Get a mentor whose life can positively affect yours and will be there to guide you through physically.

*Be open to learning.
As long as we live, learning is inevitable. Be open to taking criticism, and corrections. Learn fron them. When you are open to learning you can have a free flow of knowledge from your mentor.

*love yourself
No one is gonna do this for you so go and love yourself every second, minute, hour, day, week nd year long.
*Self esteem starts from the mind, the moment you feel inferior to your mates you give room for low self esteem. Inferiority complex, fright, low self esteem, call it whatever name, it begins from the mind. So change ya mindset about you.


Hmmm... Interesting facts.. nice work

You just have a way of lifting one's spirit. Nice one dear.

Nice one bro

This is good...great work here.

pNice write up ban, afi motivate a badman, big up man.