No matter what is happening or not happening around you, there is always a bright side of life that you can focus on. Even in the midst of thick darkness, there are some elements of "silver" lining that can be sighted if you can look beyond the prevailing situation. To have a positive change in yourself, you have to anticipate it and then be optimistic that you can have it. It is what you subconsciously think that your actions will be tilted towards. If you constantly think negativities, then do not expect positive actions and results.

It is how you see a situation that will determine how you will respond or react to it. There is a popular analogy to this: when someone is given a glass of water that is not full, while a pessimist will see it as a "half-empty" glass, which will also becloud his reasoning to the fact that it can be full, an optimist will see this same glass as "half-full", which reassures him of the fact that progress can be made to see the glass full. Your mindset of optimism is what creates possibilities. It is this mindset that sees possibilities even in the midst of gross difficulties.
No one is as devastated as the person that has lost their optimism, because the very essence of life, which is "hope," would have been gone. The truth is that hope is embedded in optimism. That is, it is by believing that something positive can be achieved that you will be able to wait until it happens without losing hope. If you keep your eyes on your goal, you have to be optimistic about it - have a possibility mentality that you can achieve your goals. If someone out there is already achieving a similar feat, what makes you think that you cannot achieve the same? Even if there has not been a recorded history of anyone achieving it, you can blaze the trail and be the first. After all, there is the first time to everything and you can be the first to achieve it.
With your optimism in place, there is no task that you cannot undertake and no risk that you cannot dare. One of the major things that drive the optimistic person is their enthusiasm to arrive at their destination no matter how rough and undulating the road may be. A sailor for example, no matter how boisterous the storm may be, he can direct his sail to leverage on the power of the storm to move forward. It is true that you may not be able to prevent the challenges that are on the way, but one thing is certain, you have what it takes to confront and overcome it.
When one loses their optimism, life may become almost valueless because there is nothing left to hope for. It is actually the hope (which is anchored on optimism) that drives people to pursue their dreams and goals. Without optimism, depression is almost inevitable. Someone may be wondering how it is possible to stay optimistic even in the midst of bad situations. Well, you will be surprised to know that the situation may not even be as bad as you think but it is only your negative mindset that is painting the situation as "bad". So rise up and face that situation and see how cheaply it can be overcome.

As long as you have not lost your optimism, then life has not defeated you, and you still have another fair chance to try again. I once read about a particular scientist that tried many times to get his invention to work but it seemed not to work. In all the trials, he believed that it would work, and that is a high level of "optimism." After trying for so long, he finally got his invention to work and that was part of what brought him to the science hall of fame. If he had lost his optimism in the beginning, there will be nothing to propel him to try again and he would have lost his invention. This is why we need to be optimistic at all times because this is part of what fuels our determination to succeed.
Thanks for reading
So true.. optimism keeps one going and makes one have an inner strength that act as a source of motivation..
Well said buddy @re-volutionlives. Thanks for dropping by
You are welcome
This is great, for me being optimistic is the same as thinking positive, it is to act in good faith and always with positive energies in that way we will get the results we want so much. Thank you @samminator for this kind of content.
There is a positive energy that is released when we think positively and when we are optimistic.
Thanks a lot dear friend
although dreams do not cost anything, we must know with charity what are the objectives to try a route with our tool and get it, always think big, but it is achievable and realistic, because sometimes we think for example that I will win the lottery, but I do not play it.greetings @samminator