People are normally drawn to the direction of their most dominant thoughts. This is why, where you focus your attention on the most is where your life will tilt towards. If you always focus on the good things of life, then your life is expected to tilt toward goodness. However, if you always anticipate bad things, then you have opened up yourself to welcome bad things. You see, your life is heavily dependent on your most dominant thoughts.

Even when you are relating with others, you should focus more on their good sides. The obvious truth is that each human has two sides (the good and the not-so-good), so it is the side of the person that you focus on that will influence how you relate with them. No matter how bad someone may appear to be, there is still a good side in them which they can still be consolidated on. More so, no matter how good someone may be, there is also a part of them that you will not like.
You do not have to expect the person you are relating with to be perfect, you only need to focus more on the side of them that is good. A story was told of two friends that were out in the woods for an expedition. While they were in the woods, they had a little misunderstanding and one of the friends slapped the other. One would have expected the other one to retaliate but he didn't, and they finally made peace and moved on.
In the course of their expedition, they passed through a swampy area and one of the friends (the one that was slapped) was about to get drowned and on the spot, the other friend reached out and held his hand and saved him. When he dragged him to safety, he thanked him and they moved on. Now, while they were moving, the guy that was saved thought to himself and came to the realisation that if he had reacted negatively or harshly when he was slapped, he may have fallen apart with his friend and there will be no one to save him from drowning.
You see, he got saved because he chose to let go. At some points in your life, you will realize that it will do you more good to focus your energy on worthy things and not on little things that will not be worth anything in the future. The truth is, what you focus your attention on will influence your thought patterns. Your thoughts patterns will then determine the kind of actions you give off. Then your actions, when you repeat them over time, will form the bedrock for your character. Then all these, when put together, will create your future.
You see, the fundamental determinant of one's future is their present thought - which is determined by their most dominant point of focus. If you do not want to have a negative future, then do not allow your attention to be negatively inclined. Remember this; you are responsible for what becomes of your life because things do not just happen in random manner, they are predetermined by our thoughts and actions.
You will be surprised how potent our thoughts are and what they have the propensity to achieve. This is why I tell people that, instead of thinking negativities, why not channel the energy towards positivities? The truth is that if you agree within your mind that you can make it, then you are already on the pathway of making it because all your actions will be channeled towards that.
Thanks for reading