There are times that it may look like you are going through intense times and hoping for someone to come through with words of encouragement. At this point, you have to understand that the helping hand that is readily available for you is the one directly on your shoulders - that is your own hand. So you need to give yourself the encouragement that you need. Things may not have worked according to plan but instead of beating yourself over it, it will do you good to encourage yourself and give it another shot.
The world is already moving so fast; together with the people living in it; that expecting anyone to encourage you may make you to wait in vain. It is true that you may have obvious flaws and other downsides, but you should understand that it is not meant to deter you from making success. You still have what it takes to give life another shot on target. Even if it looks like the whole world is standing against you, you still have to stand tall and keep encouraging yourself. The greatest and the best form of encouragement that is readily available for you is the one that you can give to yourself.
Encouraging yourself is not self-deception, it is not an act to deny the fact that you are flawed. It is simply a way to accept the flaws, then working towards getting better. That is saying "yes I have flaws, I have had errors, but I will make things right and become better." Everyone that you see that is making something worthwhile with their life is not perfect. They too have their own flip sides and flaws, but they chose to consolidate more on their strength and focus less on their flaws.
Constantly focusing on your flaws will make you to look down on yourself because it will weigh you down and make you to believe that you are below par. It is very important for you to start to belief that there is something within you that can propel you to the world. Believing in your inner and inert abilities will consequently make you to stand up tall even when you have been beaten down before. Remember that even if you get knocked down, it does not automatically mean that you have been knocked out. Being "down" does not mean being "out."
Having confidence in yourself and believing in your abilities is not a show of pride but a right appropriation of self-worth and self-love. Confidence is one of the most pivotal things to the success of anyone. Many people have been beaten down by the battles of life, simply because of lack of confidence and this has simply made them not to face the battle with the right zeal and the battle becomes bigger than them. You do not know how big your strength is until you have confronted your opposition, but you will need confidence to confront oppositions.
To upgrade your confidence level; firstly, discover yourself and have a proper knowledge of yourself (both yours strengths and weaknesses) - it will bring about more confidence. If you know that you have what it takes to confront an opposition, you will not let it to scare you. The second thing after knowing yourself is to know your opposition. Having an indepth knowledge of what to face will make you to prepare well to face it and will increase your confidence to face it well.
It is worthy to note that you are the one that has the absolute prerogative to build your confidence and to encourage yourself. This will make you to place your own success in your own hands and not in someone else's hand.
Thanks for reading
Excellent article. Seems you wrote to me. One of the things to bring confidence is our little wins. When it doesn't happen, we have to fight our way out. One of the bearish year ever. Tha is for the encouragement.
Obviously, our wins can trigger confidence.
Meanwhile, I wouldn't consider it a bearish year in comparison to other years. My opinion though.
Thanks for the comment buddy
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