The level at which you can have influence and create value is dependent on the level of knowledge you possess. But much than just acquiring and accumulation of knowledge, there is also a necessity of practicalizing the knowledge. This is because you cannot apply what you do not already know. Everyday we move and interact with people and with our environment, there is something new that can be learnt and applied to draw benefits from life.

When it comes to the acquisition of knowledge, everyone and everything can be your tutor. You will be surprised that you can learn from where you least expect. This is the reason you cannot rule off anyone because you may get knowledge from them. Yes, even the supposed bad people can also teach lessons. That is; you learn from the good people on how and ways to become good, then you learn from the bad people on how not to become bad. You see, everyone serves a purpose when it comes to learning.
Good a thing, this era, which is ruled by information and communication technology, has opened up the world to a whole new level of accessibility of information. At the tip of your fingers, you can access information and learn a couple of things even from the comfort of your devices. This is to show you that no one has an excuse not to acquire knowledge. The net, for example, had abundance of tutorials in media and e-books that one can lay their hands on and acquire knowledge on virtually any topic at all. A friend of mine once said:
With the buoyancy of the Internet, if you live in ignorance, then it is your fault.
You can also get knowledge from reading books and other publications. When it comes to reading, your watchword should be "what can be read should be read." Do not limit your learning to areas that are directly related to your area of discipline. When people are holding an intelligent conversation, even if it is not your area of discipline, you should be able to contribute a couple of things. However, it will only be possible if you are already knowledgeable in broader things than just your field. The truth is that if the only thing you know is directly revolving around your particular field alone, then you are very limited. To increase your worth and to add more value, then you need to know more.
However, one thing to also have in mind is that the life's journey does not stop at just the acquisition of knowledge, there is a place for the application. The only way to show that you have knowledge of a particular thing is by putting it to practice. Having knowledge is one thing but you should also go beyond it to putting it to work. Having knowledge and not putting it to work is almost the same thing as not having the knowledge. You will be surprised how many people have the same knowledge as you have, so what gives you an edge is how you take actions on your own.

You may have the same knowledge with many others but the execution is what makes the difference. For example; in a class of many students and everyone is taught by the same lecturer, but after the exams, their results become dissimilar. It is the knowledge that you know and apply that will bring benefits to you, not just knowing it. You will agree with me that no matter the kind of theory of aquadynamics that you know, what will save you when thrown in the water is practically swimming, not the theoretical knowledge of aquadynamics. In the same way, life's problems can only be solved by putting actions to the knowledge you have.
When you approach a door, even if you have the key with you, the door can only open when you engage the key. When you use the right key, you will not need to struggle before the door opens. In the same way, the application of knowledge in the issues of life makes life easier and removes unnecessary struggles. So get knowledge and apply it.
Thanks for reading
Oh ~