Making Choice Of The Right Things To Do

in #motivational3 years ago

In life we are all given a freewill to make choices but we must also realise that it is the choices that we make that ultimately make us who we are. It does not matter what anyone may think, choices can be so powerful that they can alter the course of one's life permanently. This is why we have to resolve within ourselves to only make the right choices. As humans, we are gifted with consciousness and conscience to know if we are making the right choice or not. So your actions and your choices, more often than not, come from a place of consciousness.


Image from Pixabay

A friend of mine shared a very saddening story with me a few days back, how just one single wrong choice that she made crashed almost years of hard work. You see, the negative consequences of that seemingly harmless wrong choice may be what will become your major bane tomorrow. The truth is, even if everyone has commonized bad thing, it does not make it right, you can still stand alone in the right path and in the long run, you will realize that it is worth it. More so, majority are not always right, so do not be beclouded by the fact that "everyone else is doing it, so it is right."

Before you make a choice, you have to first analyse the options and the potential consequences of such choice, and if it will bring positive result, then you can take it. Note this: that a choice is good does not automatically equate it to being right at the moment. Take this instance: we all know that exercising is good right? But exercising during the work hours when you are supposed to be attending to customers is not the right thing to do. This also goes to prove that right choices also come with right timing. A wrong timing may invalidate a right action.

It is also worthy to note that not making choices is also a choice, and it carries its own consequences. Yes, inactions also come with their own effects. The reason my many wrong things are perpetrated in this era is because the good people and those that are meant to take the right actions just do nothing. Doing nothing when you are meant to do right things helps to perpetuate ills. It is not enough to be docile, a point will come when you have to make a choice, take a stand, and then stand by your choices. Always remember this: if you do not make your own choices, you will be a victim of the changes from other people's choices.

No one is born exclusively to be good and no one is born exclusively to be bad, they are all functions of the choices we make. The person that you always see as respectful, or of a good character, with nice attitude made a choice to follow after that path. This is why I believe that even character is a direct product of choices. Yes, your choices determine your actions, then your actions, when they are continuous and dominant, will determine your attitude. Then your attitude will form part of what builds your character. So you see, at the base of it is "choice."


Image from Pixabay

It is true that environment and other external factors may influence one's choice but one thing you should know is that when the consequences start to roll in, all those factors may not be put into consideration. So when you make choices, you have to put the future into perspective and do it because of what you want to see, not because of what is already happening. This is the reason I believe that our choices should be focused more on proactivity instead of reactivity.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all