Most times, the first step that someone needs to take towards a particular dream is often the bravest step. This is because it is the step that is mostly filled with both risks and uncertainties. That first step is what determines how the rest of the steps will be like. As a matter of fact, without the first step, the other steps will be nonexistent. This is why you have to take the first step towards the fulfilment of your dreams because it holds the key to other steps.

There is no doubt that the long journey of many kilometres will obviously start with taking the first step. In the same way, no matter the brilliance of your plan, they can only be actualized by taking the initial step first. You will agree with me that no one can ever arrive at a destination until he has first undertaken the first step of the journey and then subsequent steps will follow. This brings to remembrance one of Newton's laws of motion:
A body will remain static until a force is applied on it - [Paraphrased].
Similarly, in other aspects of life, until you have been able to brave the first step, your dream may remain unattainable. There are times in the journey of your life that you will realize that your only option will be to take risks. Obviously, no lasting attainment can be achieved without taking risks. Risk is the language of successful people. Shying away from risks is to shy away from moving towards success. The truth is, not taking risks is riskier that taking risks.
Sometimes, someone may feel scared of taking the first step, especially when the step has not be taken by anyone before. The fear of uncertainties and fear of failure may want to arise. The person may have the feeling of "what if he fails at the step?" However, it is worthy to note that you will not know if you will succeed at it until you have tried it out. More so, it is far better to try and not get it than to remain dormant without trying anything. At least, when you try, you would have acquired some knowledges and experiences to take you through the next trial. So you will not be trying with zero knowledge the next time.
No matter how high and mountainous a challenge can be, just remind yourself that it is surmountable and then take a step towards it. Do not conclude that something is impossible until you have tried it out. Even after trying it out, it does not still make it impossible. It may only mean that the approach was wrong. It may only require you to change the approach and try again.

Instead of seeing the difficulty or seemingly impossibility of your dream, you only need to be concerned about the first step. If you can brave the first step, it will surprise you how other steps will become so easy. You do not necessarily have to wait until all the other steps are visible before you take the first step, neither do you have to wait until you have received the desired support before you take the first step. What you need to do is to take the step nonetheless and the aforementioned expectations will be met.
Thanks for reading