Look Past Failure; Look Towards Success.

One of the most common fear in the world is the fear of failure. As we carry out our daily activities, we always come across people who have decided not to give something a try just because they are scared that they will fail if they try. There is also another set who are about to give up on their dream because of a "temporary failure" they faced on their way to success. Unfortunately, we sometimes fall within these two categories.


The reason why most persons are always scared that they will fail when they try out a thing is because of the uncertainties of life. No one is sure of anything with 100% certainty. For instance, although we may be able to forecast the weather for tomorrow, we can't actually tell with 100% certainty that tommorow's weather will be exactly as predicted. In fact, experience has shown us that some predictions like that don't come to pass.

Although the fear of failure due to uncertainty, or fear of how tomorrow with turn out due to a temporal failure we are experiencing at the moment is justifiable, does it necessarily mean that we should allow it to stop us from trying out other thing and forging ahead towards success?

Yes, I agree that failure is painful and demoralizing. Most times when we sit back after a temporal set back or failure and count the things that we lost, we realize how overwhelming it is. While counting, we may find out we lost things like time, money, and other resources, and the pain from losing these things can be so strong that they tend to stick in our memories, making us too scared to try again. A perfect example of this is, a child who mistakenly stick his hand on fire or touches a hot substance. He feels so much pain, and due to the fact this pain sticks unto his memory, next time he sees a hot substance, he stays so far and away from it.

Although naturally, we have the tendency to be afraid of failure, should we let it rule us? The answer is a big "NO". Life has shown us that everything has a risk factor, even the way we came into this world, "child bearing" is very risky that in the halls close to the labor room, we find strong men who love their wife fidgeting like kids. Despite how scary child bearing can be, has it stopped people from child bearing? The answer is No. Why? Because, apart from the desire to have kids, we all understand that procreation is a necessary risk to prevent us from extinction. It is for this reason, a mother goes into the pregnancy stage with all hope, looking past the fear of anything tilting to an unfavorable outcome, but instead, towards the joy that will fill her hearts when she finally hold her baby in her arms.

In this same way, life is filled with risks, but if we can follow this same approach we use in procreation to every other thing in life, we will realize that we will succeed in more areas. In addition to that, we will come to see that most of the things we are afraid of is not real.

Do you remember what a mirage is? If you are driving on a straight road on a hot afternoon. Straight ahead, you will see a pool of water. But as you come close to it, you will realize that the point which seemed as if it contained a puddle of water, is actually dry and contains no water at all. Just soon after you have passed that one, as you continue straight ahead, you will notice another mirage. Sometimes, we actually see a puddle, and when we get there, we discover it is actually a puddle of water. But does it make us turn back and say we are not going to continue our journey anymore? No, rather, we drive past it, because our focus is in our destination.

This is a good picture of the journey of our life. We will keep meeting scary situations, but we shouldn't let that be our focus, or make us loose focus of our dreams and where we are going.

We must realize that as long as we are on earth, we will face challenges, and may sometimes fail. But since we are alive, any of these failure we may experience is temporal, because we still have great chances of succeeding or making it right.

Have these things in your mind as you go about your day; You have all it takes to succeed, and anything that comes your way on your path to success, your belief and positive thinking will bring to you the resources and the intellect you need to tackle that situation.


In case things don't work out the way you wished after your first attempt, don't lose focus of your goal nor conclude that you are a failure, instead re-strategize and try again. A different approach might give you a better result. Even if that doesn't work, you can still create a new dream and pursue it.

Always remember, you may not win every battle you seek to achieve, but be rest assured that if you keep trying everyday, you will realize you are consistently growing and becoming a better person; and even that alone, is a big success.

Read, Ponder, Love.

© whileponderin