Using the autopilot is only intended for a driver who is fully aware of the road ": this is how convincing a representative of the Elon Musk company showed himself when one of his cars, the Tesla S, was involved in an accident while driving without the driver's help. Apparently, he was using this option on the highway in California when he crashed into a fire truck at over 100 km/h. For the moment, the company has not denied what happened, as it can check the internal information of the car that will tell you if everything really happened as the driver claims. However, your alcohol control, which doubled what was allowed by law, won't help you much to win the case.
It is not the first or the last accident that will happen with this type of car. The most tragic one so far took place in 2016, when young Joshua Brown died after hitting his car on the side of a truck. Although he had been using the autopilot when it happened, it was determined that his speed exceeded the speed allowed on the road, so Tesla was not at fault. However, the National Traffic Safety Administration pointed out that the system did not work properly, as it failed to warn the driver of a sudden change in traffic to take control early. That is why Tesla warns its drivers, who should be more attentive to the road.
So don't take this driving system as a "hands-free", because it's not. In fact, in order to prevent people from abusing this driving option, all models made after 2016 forced the driver to keep his hands on the wheel. But when the law was made, the trap was set: some people decided to use oranges to simulate the pressure and continue using the autopilot, while, for example, they decided to read the newspaper or smoke a cigarette.
To avoid this trick, we are working on a system to monitor the eyes of drivers. As soon as your view is no longer focused on the road than necessary, the autopilot driving system will be switched off.
good job !