2 Wheels to Freedom: Bought KLYE's First Street Bike Yesterday!

in #motorcycle8 years ago (edited)

The feeling of the wind blowing through your hair and the sound of the open road below. You twist the throttle, the engine roars and you glide by onlookers as they gawk. Chicks take double glances at you, car drivers envy you, the bike holds you as you hold it.

To those of you who ride a motorcycle, you know that feeling..
That feeling is Freedom

Since I was a young child over 2 decades ago I've always had an affinity towards motorcycles. There is some unwritten law of the land that for some reason just makes motorcycles and the people brave enough to ride them in their own little section of bad-ass or cool. As a young teen I was fortunate enough to have parents that spoiled me, buying me a dirt bike to grow up with. As growing boys do I outgrew the little Yamaha RT100 that defined the feeling of freedom for me as a kid was, but never ended up buying another motorbike until now due to my lack of income, somewhat crappy finances and inability to save money.

This all changed today.. What was once thought to be a dream of mine has now become a reality.. As of today I'm now one of those bad-ass motorbike riders that I've envied for so long. It might not be the biggest or fastest bike out there, But it's mine!

Meet my Newest Love: 2008 Honda CBR125-R

( I'll take more pictures tomorrow and add them, it got too dark out! )

First off it's to be mentioned I'd never have bought this bike if not for the INCREDIBLE deal that I managed to get on it. Sporting only 8,000KM on the vehicle and in immaculate condition, when I saw this bike listed locally for $1700 CAD ( ~975 STEEM ) I couldn't type an inquiry email fast enough. It took a few days for the seller to make time to allow me to come look at the bike but once he let me start it up and listen to it run I knew that I'd found the newest love idol in the KLYE fleet. Dry weight of these bikes is just a little over 300 lbs.. Coupled with a high revving (Revs > 9,000 EASY) 125cc engine and the fact I'm built like slenderman this little bike is not only a great beginner street bike for me, but also is incredibly fast when you consider that stock the engine has a touch less than 15 horsepower.

mechanically this bike is sound, aesthetically It's nearly mint and as for comfort and drive-ability it's about as good as you are going to get for a "crotch-rocket" style motorbike. It's styling is that of a sports or racing bike however the size of this thing is maybe 4/5ths the dimensions of larger displacement bikes. What does this all mean? Well, Basically it means that even my skinny as can comfortably handle this speedy little thing without having to struggle with the bikes weight or length.

Is it a Harley davidson, a race bike or the fastest thing in town? Absolutely not! But I still feel proud when I drive it, knowing that the only thing stopping me from becoming hamburger on the road is my attentiveness, quick reaction and somewhat en-grained learnings of riding moto-bikes as a child. It is true what they say, It's like riding a bike, You never forget how. Going to see if I can find a place that makes decals and put some STEEM advertising on it.

Anyone in Central Canada want to cruise with me some time before season is over? A Canadian STEEM motorcycle riders meet up would be fun for next year perhaps!


Nice bike man! I personally dont know alot about bikes or cars,but it looks like it can go fast!! :D Enjoy mate @klye(Steem decals would look pretty sweet on her ;)

It's actually the smallest engine displacement available on the Honda CBR series. Still pretty damn fast though considering it's low horsepower. :)

Nice bike! It looks really nice with all black :) Is a 125 CC enough power?

Talk soon!

1cc per every pound I weigh almost.. I maaaay have managed to get it up to 90 KM/h in a city block length but of course KLYE always obeys speed limits and the laws.. ;)

So, I'm guessing you weigh close to 125 KG then? :) Lol don't go on the highway the :D I don't know if it'll be able to manage hahaha :D

You made me laugh a bit! Talk soon.

125-135 pounds is my normal body weight.. I'm also 6 feet tall when not slouching..


Hahaha that hashtag though :D I have given you a follow my bro!

I trust we will engage in each other's content more often! Although, mine is little more serious :P Talk soon!

You need better, real motorcycle with more power.

I probably shouldn't start with anything much bigger then this to be honest. I'm tall but have little body weight. This is a great beginners bike. :)

I totally agree. I began my riding career on a 250. Upgraded to a 750 Sportsbike. There was a lot of dumb stuff I did and by the grace of God survived and retained my licence. I retruned to 250s and a few 400cc scooters. They had a lot more useable power. I think you've made a wise decision Klye! Stay safe and have fun!

keep steeming hot ...you deserve the bestwow... @kyle i celebrate with you... one steemian joy is joy for all as we are one family.... ensure you keep that bike steeming as when i visit Canada next summer am gonna enjoy this beauty of a ride with you my buddy...

Look forward to it Kenhudoy! Let me know when you're in my country and I'll take you out for some good food and strong canadian beer!

Yeah...and breast milk too....hahaha...Thanks...find time to check my new post on breast milk for adults
Will surely keep in touch

whut. Lmao!

surely will b a great read...
;) your comment will be appreciated...

ok dear...thanks

hahaha.... is that you ... showing your muscles?
why not beef it up with some breast milk;)

Very beautiful and useful, I really like your post MR. @KLYE

It's a great little bike to get around on for sure. I lucked out on getting a deal on it.

@klye nice ride man!

Right on man, much appreciated. Hopefully get a few more nice days to ride it before the snow flies.

beautiful bike!
great post klye! keep it up! and thanks again for following!
new deepak.gif

ahlawat you should make your banner image link to your blog man. :)

No sir, I just made my logo ready.

Woot woot!! Enjoy the ride.

Certainly will until the snow flies. It's a very light bike and while the tires have tons of tread on them it's way to damn easy to lock up that rear tire with aggressive braking. Give it a week or two and I'll be doing wheelies and stoppies with the thing... Not rushing getting comfortable on it though. :)

Totally cool Mr Klye!! Hearty approval from from the HANd SOLO!

I've always loved bikes. Good for you my friend, enjoy

Thanks man. Really appreciate it. Not sure how to word this without sounding like a noob but it does mean a lot coming from a bad-ass like yourself. :)

You're a legend Mr Klye

No youuuuu are!

Congrats bro for your new bike... ride safe...

I'm a very perceptive and attentive driver.. It's generally not my driving so much I worry about but joe schmoe on the road or granny who can;t see past her cataracts. That being said though the bike hits the speed limit here in town waaay to fast... Need to take it out for a highway brap today after I do the filters, oil and plugs on her.

Wow !

Vroooooooooom......Vroooooooommmm .
Have great ride . Congratulation my friend @klye !!

Very excited to be able to have the oppurtunity to hop on a motorcycle and just drive to clear my head.

Hard to explain but while riding your problems don't weigh you down as much and it's hard to be sad.

All the best !

Yes, I know that feeling! 🏍

We're the lucky ones man. I pity people who have never driven a motorcycle, especially out of fear..!

Nice bike @klye. Hope your new found toy won't take you away from the amazing Steemit projects that you have been doing. Enjoy it though. Remember to always wear your helmet. Safety first

Always wear a helmet. This mind of mine is my greatest asset.. Be a shame to leave it splattered across the pavement!

*Big thumbs up *@kyle May your new bike take you to new places with new people and open up new opportunities in your life. Congratulations.

It's a shame winter is coming to my neck of the woods soon.. Imagine I'll put on a few kilometers before the snow flies though. cheers sir.

Vrooom-vrooom-vrooom hahaha :-D

That little Honda weed whacker 125cc engine on the thing revs like... 10,000 RPM and redline looks up to 14,000 RPM...

Would never rev it that high though.. DOn't want that piston shooting through the gastank and into my balls. 0_0

Good motor, looks small but the power is great.

That is badass!! Now you need a big fucking tattoo on your back ala sons of anarchy and you are done my friend!!

Need to beef up first.. Would be like drilling through bone! Skinny white boy problems.

Lol, very true!! It's a tough old world!


wow... beautiful bike...
upvoted and followed...!!!!

Thanks man. :)

What a lovely bike, wish u lots of fun riding that around town :)

Woow.. Good looking Bike, you deserve the best @kyle

@klye so rich :)

oh stahp. You are like the king of content!

Wear your helmet and drive safe!

Enjoy. It's a nice bike.

I should probably wear a helmet regardless some may say.

Definitely. Most drivers are unsafe when it comes to motorcycles. I've seen people hit bikes.

Drive safe man.

That much be such a amazing feeling to drive these! Have fun my friend!

When nothing holding you from skidding accross the pavement but yourself and a bit of steel vibrating between yer legs.. About as close to flying like a bird as I'll ever get.. maybe,

@klye wow..Very beautiful and useful!!!!

Great little bike to zip around on the rest of the season

Nice! I'm glad you were able to get a motorcycle up there. probably more snowmobiles than motorcycles up there!

Yep. Bet your ass we've got more sleds zooming around in the winter than bikes in the summer. :P
If I can find a hell of a deal on a sled I might pick one up to stave off the winter blues.. Between that and skiing tis the only 2 reasons I find motivate me to go out into the frozen shithole that is canadian winter.