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RE: CSC City Slicker: One Of The Most Affordable Electric Motorcycles On Sale

in #motorcycle • 5 years ago

how did you share a video on this way in a post? I know only thru link, but not like this. I know it is not related with a post but any help would come in handy 😊

 5 years ago (edited) 

I'm more than eager to help you out: what you need to do is go on Youtube to the video of your choice that you want to share with us on HIVE and then click on the share button below the video screen. Then, you will be prompted to a pop-out window asking you to copy-paste the code for the video into a webpage (e.g. HIVE blog post or Wordpress page). After that, you can even edit the size of the video inside your HIVE post. I hope this comment was useful for your needs. :)

Great, thank you a lot!! I got it 😎