Wow i love how you told us of your 'almost accident' experience and at the same time, you also gave some tips at the end! Truly helpful post! Thanks for sharing! 😀
Wow i love how you told us of your 'almost accident' experience and at the same time, you also gave some tips at the end! Truly helpful post! Thanks for sharing! 😀
No worries, it is in my best interest for riders to avoid accidents. I would have had an accident earlier if I didn't pay attention to some of these tips. Tip 5 -Always buffer and keep as much distance from other cars.
I would have had better vision of what was a ahead. Tip number 11 - make sure you can see a good distance ahead of you according to the speed you are going. Slow down if you are unsure of what is ahead, such as a car turning ;)
those are some really great tips man! thanks! :)