Indeed, nice way of putting the addiction part! :)
Where did you race? And which race bike did you buy? Costs are prohibitive especially when you go to 600ccs and up. Tuning and maintaining the bike itself is an expensive task. And yeah, once you experience sensations at those speeds and the experience, everything else becomes quite boring and slow.
I did love to try off road, but more sideways rather than jumps and bumps. I'll do that once I recover from a broken wrist.
Hope your off road racing is letting your heart race!
I raced w/ the MRA in Colorado w/ a Honda RS125. Now I have an old GSXR, and I'm trying my best to not think about racing. AHRMA Next-Gen Superbike calling my name notwithstanding... LOL.
You're from Colorado?
You should do your Motocross thing often! Keeps you young! Racing is indeed a sport that is infectious, isn't it?
All of this is a throwback to that gearhead/hot-rodder fanaticism of the olden days. It's infectious, addictive for the right kinds of people. Some people go racing, or even just riding, and they're like "So what?" Others of us just see a motorcycle going down the road, and we're like "OMFG THAT'S THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN." Then we get on a bike, and we're like "OMFG THIS IS THE BEST." Then we go racing, and it's more of the same like that. It's not everyone's cup of tea for sure, but if you dig it, then you're one of the clan who "gets it." Motorcycles are fun. They're almost as cool as airplanes. Be happy and ride motorbikes; life is short!!
Motorcycles are cooler than airplanes (maybe except flying a fighter jets or acrobatic planes); my opinion only. And I'm an aerospace engineer ;)
But yes, life is short . Be happy and ride bikes. Enjoy them whatever you do!